Schmid wants to sue shortly |

Normally, Sebastian Kurz does not post something on Facebook every day. But now, after yesterday’s entry, in which he commented on the allegations of his former confidant Thomas Schmid, he immediately followed up today. Between the two postings is the presentation of the transcript of a phone call that Kurz had with Schmid a year ago, a good week after Kurz’s resignation as chancellor. The statements that Schmid made at the time are in some cases diametrically opposed to those that he made to the WKStA on a total of 15 days over the past few months. Kurz lawyer Werner Suppan therefore also spoke of a “bomb”, which clearly relieved his client.

Kurz now follows up on this in his posting from today, Thursday: The telephone log not only shows that Schmid “told the WKStA an untruth”. It “also gives a deep look into the character of a person who invents false accusations against others in the hope of getting away with being a key witness himself.” The “house of cards from false accusations” had “collapsed after less than 24 hours”.

And finally, Kurz states succinctly: “Just like Wolfgang Sobotka (The President of the National Council declared on Wednesday evening that he wanted to sue Schmid; note.) I will also defend myself legally against Thomas Schmid.”

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