Schlein, not even the Democratic Party wants it. The conspiracy against the “name” and she must remove it – Time

Edoardo Romagnoli

Good bye (to the name) Elly in the symbol. In the end the dem leader reversed herself and, live on social media, put an end to the controversy sparked by the proposal put forward by Bonaccini during the leadership of the party. The secretary’s name will not be in the PD logo. «This proposal seemed to me more divisive than strengthening. A discussion opened yesterday in the management and also outside. I thank those who made this proposal but the best contribution I can give to this team, I can give by running together with the list” declared Schlein. On the other hand, he didn’t really like the idea of ​​having the secretary’s name in the symbol. In addition to Prodi who spoke of a “wound to democracy” and Cuperlo who wrote to her directly saying “you are not Giorgia”, there was also criticism from Dem representatives much closer to the leader such as Provenzano, Sarracino and Lucia Annunziata who underlined the contradiction between the battle against the premiership and the inclusion of the name in the symbol.

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On the other hand, in the Democratic Party, with the exception of Veltroni, no secretary had ever dared to put his name in the symbol; not even Renzi. And certainly no one expected that it would be the first female secretary to do it, the one who introduced herself saying that she would like a plural party, where the “we” had to take the place of the caciques and their personalities. The video also includes a series of thanks. The first is for Nicola Zingaretti who, in the end, will be in second place in the list of the Centro constituency, right behind Elly. «Thank you for giving in to my insistence – said the secretary, addressing the former governor of Lazio -. I had been asking him for a commitment for a long time.” But also for the former Lampedusa doctor Pietro Bartolo who on «X» had expressed doubts about his candidacy in the Islands constituency for not having received «the right consideration from the regional secretary and for this reason, in the next few hours I will reflect on what to do ». And Schlein has sweet words for him too: «He has always dedicated himself to the defense of those arriving from the sea and I want to thank him for these years of commitment in the European Parliament».

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Schlein’s reverse did not go unnoticed and so the thrust came from Fratelli d’Italia. «There are those who are proud of their leader and those who are not – we read on the social networks of the party in via della Scrofa -. We are proud of Giorgia Meloni. Italy changes Europe.” In the post the dem symbol, in which the name Elly Schlein is disappearing with a graphic effect, appears next to that of FdI where the name of Giorgia Meloni is present.

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#Schlein #Democratic #Party #conspiracy #remove #Time
2024-04-24 23:38:34

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