Schizophrenia: what is the gaze test?

2023-04-29 08:56:17

Little known to the general public, the gaze test is used to diagnose schizophrenia. Focus on this review and its features.

Inserm identifies approximately 600,000 cases of schizophrenia in France. Research has established various tests to detect cases as early as possible.

What is this psychiatric illness? What is the gaze test? What changes are observed? How are these changes explained? Schizophrenia and the gaze test: read on to learn more.

What is schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a mental illness that causes a real disability on a daily basis. But do you really know what this pathology consists of?


The Larousse defines schizophrenia as a “chronic delusional psychosis characterized by a discordance of thought, emotional life and relationship to the outside world.

People with this psychiatric illness have a disturbed perception of reality. This causes sometimes delusional behavior. This often leads to misunderstanding on the part of others.

This progressive pathology usually manifests in late adolescence or early adulthood. Although she cannot be cured, she can be taken care of. Thus, the patient can live peacefully by means of an adapted treatment.


Several causes are mentioned:

  • heredity: if someone in the family is sick, you are more likely to develop the disease;
  • an environmental factor: a young regular cannabis user (under the age of 18) is twice as likely to develop the disease;
  • a psychosocial factor: children and teenagers exposed to major sources of stress are at higher risk.

The environment in which a child grows up is therefore extremely important. Indeed, the disease develops during growth.


Depression is a common symptom of schizophrenia

The manifestations differ from one patient to another. Very often, the patient is diagnosed following several years of evolution.

The first psychoses are generally confused with other pathologies:

There are different types of symptoms:

  • productive: delusions, hallucinations (it is common for the subject to hear voices), feeling of persecution (paranoia), agitation;
  • negatives: isolation, low emotion and empathy;
  • dissociative: thoughts are disorganized, the patient is unable to perform a simple task such as shopping.

These symptoms can be particularly debilitating. Indeed, delusional behavior is often misunderstood by family, friends, etc. We can even speak of a feeling of fear in others.

Not only the patient isolates himself, but his relatives also tend to oust him. This causes depression in the patient. Which might further develop the symptoms. Be careful, schizophrenia can push the patient to suicide.

You have a doubt for you or one of your relatives? Contact your doctor to talk regarding it.

What is the gaze test?

The gaze test to detect signs of schizophrenia

Some researchers have wanted identify warning signs. Several types of tests are therefore being tested. The aim is to help patients even before they show the first symptoms.

The gaze test is one of the conclusive examinations.

What does this test consist of?

Previous studies have shown that schizophrenics had abnormal electrical activity in the retina. This photosensitive layer of the eye is made up of small veins. The latter are larger in patients with schizophrenia.

Scientists have used this data to create a test measuring the electrical activity of the retina. Electroretinography involves measuring how photosensitive cells react to light.

This examination does not cause any pain. The eyes simply remain sensitive to light for a few hours following the exam because of the eye drops. Driving is strongly discouraged during this time. You don’t have to take any other precautions.

What eye changes are linked to the disease?

Patients affected by the pathology have changes in the eye:

  • nystagmus: involuntary eye movements;
  • more eye blinking;
  • impaired visual pursuit: the patient is unable to follow an object;
  • strabismus: cross-eyed eyes.

Of course, to all this are added the disturbances of perception. The patient believes he sees things that are not real. His vision may be blurred for a moment.

Why these changes in the look?

Research has not yet detected the reason for these changes in the eyes.. Several causes are still under investigation:

  • a link with genetics: the RGS4 and COMT genes;
  • inflammation;
  • an alteration of chromosome 6.

Scientists have not yet been able to prove the link between these factors and visual changes. However, research continues in this direction.

Schizophrenia and the gaze test: what to remember

Schizophrenia is a psychiatric illness that is often difficult to diagnose. Researchers want to set up tests to warn people at risk. The goal is to treat the pathology before the first symptoms appear. This would allow patients to no longer suffer the consequences of this mental illness.

Do you or someone close to you have symptoms? Speak to your doctor to be taken care of as soon as possible.

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