Schiaretti will be at the head of the provincial PJ and Punilla is awaited with expectation

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What will happen this Sunday within the provincial Peronism will serve a lot to understand what is coming. Because, although there will be no provincial intern in the PJ, the unit will be exposed and will leave Governor Juan Schiaretti at the head of the party, but above all, with a seat at the national table of Peronism. Impact that might have its consequences beyond the limits of the province of Córdoba; because Schiaretti will have to decide if he arrives with a seal and everything to the assembly of Together for Change, or if he disputes a place of weight within a great internal PJ.

Today, the first is much closer. Something that would leave the Córdoba partners of Together for Change in a very uncomfortable place with the governor closing an agreement following having been provincial president three times and reaching an agreement with the PRO and the national UCR as president of Peronism. “Another Peronism, a Republican Peronism”, as they repeat in the opposition arch from former President Mauricio Macri to the radicals Facundo Manes and Gerardo Morales.

Aside from this, the internal partisan this Sunday will also order the PJ from Cordoba and will make him think regarding what is coming: the armed formulas in the province and in the Cordoba capital. Because, just as Schiaretti will be at the head of the provincial PJ, the mayor Martín Llaryora will be proclaimed as president of Peronism in the City.

And under Schiaretti will be, among others, the deputy governor Manuel Calvo, the national deputy Natalia de la Sota, the provincial legislator Oscar González, the mayor of Río Cuarto, Juan Manuel Llamosas. All leaders of Cordovan Peronism that left no room for the appearance of Kirchnerists, such was Schiaretti’s own order when the lists were put together.

The expectation in Punilla. With the unit sealed throughout the province and in 24 of the 26 departments, the disputes will be limited to two districts: Punilla and Calamuchita. In the second, the panorama is more favorable to the list that they blessed from El Panal and whose candidate is the mayor of Santa Rosa de Calamuchita, Claudio Chavero, and should be measured with the mayor of Embalse, Federico Alesandri, son of the delasotista, Carlos, current provincial legislator.

Both, father and son, decided to go once morest Schiaretti’s leadership and will be the alternative to the official list, following a campaign in which they vindicated former Governor José Manuel de la Sota.

Meanwhile, in Punilla, the previous one gives a favorable margin to the list of former senator Carlos Caserio, compared to the one headed by the mayor of Huerta Grande, the schiarettista, Matías Montoto. The ballot of Alberto Fernández’s man will take Mariana Caserio and Miguel Maldonado to the top, both provincial legislators and with a new block for a few weeks.



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