Schedule changes for Racing – Newell’s and San Lorenzo

The Agency for the Prevention of Violence in Sport (APreViDe) decided to change the schedule of this Wednesday’s game San Lorenzo and Boca for 5:30 p.m. and Racing and Newell’s for 7:30 p.m.

The match between Xeneize and Ciclón on date 11 of the Professional League was scheduled for 4:30 p.m., but the San Lorenzo leadership had already requested the change so that the fans might get to the game. However, the Academy played at 7:00 p.m. and for security reasons they did not want to modify the schedule.

In this way, from APreViDe they decided to change the time of the match between Racing and Newell’s by half an hour, so that there are no problems and the fans do not cross paths. This is how there was a period of two hours between the two meetings, which is recommended by the security services.

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