Scènes en Selle: France’s Premier Equestrian Creation Festival

2023-08-19 18:46:10

It is the only equestrian creation festival in France. “Scenes in the Saddle” back in Lunéville this Saturday and Sunday August 20 for the 4th edition. The performances combining theater and equestrian shows take place on five stages set up in the town centre. Admission is free, and the event attracts several thousand people over the two days.


A growing festival

“We have people who come from Belgium, Luxembourg, and even Nantes!“, rejoices the programmer Mahaut Wagner. We feel that the festival is growing, and the idea is that it will grow even more”. In the world of horse riding and equestrian companies also the festival is making a name for itself. “On the weekend we have companies that come from all over France. Each company has a different artistic proposal. Poetic things, others more circus, focused on theater or comedy. It’s a kind of melting pot recipe so that young and old can find their way around and that the artistic proposal is varied.”

Horses in the streets of Lunéville during the “Scène en Selle” festival on Saturday August 19, 2023. © Radio France – Tristan Barraux

Besides, Cloé Jawurek, dressage rider and member of the French team, presents a show there. According to her, the event contributes to democratizing horse riding, “It allows us to remove this image according to which horse riding is a closed and elitist environment, it allows us to open up to a new public. And it also shows the spectator that horse riding is not regarding jumping bars, competitive disciplines. It is also street art and performance”she explains.

Cloé Jawurek dressage rider and member of the French team presents a show. © Radio France – Tristan Barraux An equestrian show on Place Léopold in Lunéville, during the “Scène en Selle” festival. © Radio France – Tristan Barraux

All programming is available ici .

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