Under the terms of a private deed dated July 4, 2024

A real estate construction and sales company has been formed with the following characteristics:

Company name:
Form: real estate construction sales company (SCCV).
Capital: 100 euros.
Headquarters: 1366, avenue des Platanes, Audace building, 34970 LATTES

Objet :
The purpose of the company is, either through its own funds or through borrowed funds:

• the acquisition of a plot of land located GRABELS (34790) rue du Pradas, registered BN 32 – BN 33 – BN 117 in part.
• the demolition of existing buildings,
• the construction on this land of a real estate complex for residential use, of parking spaces according to the possibilities resulting from the building permit,

• the sale in whole or in lots of this building constructed before or after their completion,

• management, rental and maintenance of buildings until the sale of the last fraction,

• and generally, all movable, real estate and financial transactions likely to facilitate the achievement of the objects defined above, to the exclusion of all operations likely to cause the company to lose its civil character, or incompatible with the provisions of the Code of Construction and Housing in terms of Civil Companies formed for the sale of buildings.

Duration: 99 years from registration in the Trade and Companies Register.

Contributions: cash contributions: 100 euros contributed up to 99% by SAS HELENIS and 1% by SAS GGL GROUPE.
Transfer of shares: Transfers of shares must be made by authentic deed or private signature. They are only enforceable against the company after the notification or acceptance provided for by article 1690 of the Civil Code or by the sole transfer to the company register provided for in article 52 of the aforementioned decree. They are only enforceable against third parties when they have also been published.

Manager: the manager appointed unanimously by the partners is SAS HELENIS, with capital of 4,000,000 euros, whose head office is at LATTES (34970), Bâtiment AUDACE, 1366 Avenue des Platanes, registered in the trade and commerce register. MONTPELLIER companies under number 491 095 386.

The Company will be registered in the Trade and Companies Register held at the registry of the MONTPELLIER commercial court.

For opinion and mention, Management.



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