scary! Dr. Manoon reveals the case of latent tuberculosis infection, no symptoms, but knew first | TOJO NEWS

scary! Dr. Manoon reveals the case of latent tuberculosis infection, no symptoms, but knew first | TOJO NEWS

Dr. Manoon reveals the case of a Thai woman infected with tuberculosis from an employee. The symptoms haven’t gone away yet, but if you let it go will have tuberculosis later

Tojo News reporter reported that Dr. Manoon Leechawengwong, a physician specializing in respiratory system diseases. Vichaiyut Hospital Posted a message via Facebook, Dr. Manoon Leechawengwong FC stated:

The patient is a 54 year old female patient who is normally healthy. No congenital disease, no fever, no cough, no loss of appetite, no weight loss, no night sweats. Come for examination on August 10, 2024 because they know that they are at risk of being infected with tuberculosis from a Thai employee who works as a cook and cleans the house in the morning. cool This employee is 44 years old, has had a chronic cough for 3 months since March 2024, has blood in his cough, has a fever, has lost his appetite, has lost weight. Went to get checked at a nearby hospital in June 2024. Lung x-ray was abnormal. Sputum examination found tuberculosis. Patients with pulmonary tuberculosis can spread the infection to people around them through breathing. After taking 4 doses of tuberculosis medicine for 2 months, the employee’s condition improved greatly. There are no children in the house. There were three other people in the house together, and no one had symptoms.
Physical examination normal, lung auscultation normal, lung x-ray normal. Blood test to measure levels Interferon-Gamma (IFN-γ) in the IFN-γ release assay (IGRA) by the QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus test kit was positive, indicating tuberculosis infection.
Diagnosis: Latent TB infection. Latent TB infection in the body has TB bacteria without symptoms. If left for many years When the body is weak You may become sick with tuberculosis later on. Medication for latent tuberculosis was started with INH 300 mg once daily. together with vitamin B6 once a day after taking the medicine for 1 month. If you are not allergic to the medicine, you will continue taking the medicine until the end of 9 months. Testing for latent tuberculosis is done by a tuberculin skin test. or tested from blood using IGRAs
There are two methods for detecting latent tuberculosis using blood: QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus and T-SPOT.TB for Interferon gamma release.
Another 3 people in the house were screened with a chest x-ray and a QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus blood test. Everyone gave negative results, indicating that they were not infected with tuberculosis.
Conclusion: An employee with tuberculosis spreads the infection to 1 in 4 people close to them in this household.

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