Scandalous Confessions and Intimidation: The Controversial Story of Lin Zi’an and Xu Youwei

2023-08-30 06:27:52

Lam Zi On admitted to eating his good brother’s girlfriend secretly, and even blew himself up feeding poison and filming sex movies. (Picture / Recap from Lin Zian, IG of the parties)

Lin Zi’an, dubbed “the most handsome violin prince”, issued an apology last month, admitting that he ate his good brother Willy’s girlfriend, even blew himself up, fed drugs, and filmed sex movies. Recently, Willy’s identity has also been exposed. Xu Youwei, the son of the Suns assistant “Bird” Xu Zhichao, now Lin Zi’an released a report sheet, accusing Xu Youwei of obstructing freedom and intimidation. The police have launched an investigation. In this regard, Xu Youwei also responded with a voice, saying angrily, “It’s really shameful that such a villain should file a complaint first.”

Lin Zian suddenly posted on IG on July 26, recognizing his girlfriend who stole a good brother, “I did something very wrong. I got involved in Willy’s relationship, and then had sex with the other’s girlfriend, and even happened 4 2 times, I returned ecstasy to the other party 2 times, and I even made a video on one of them. I really know that I made a mistake. I also apologize to all the fans and viewers who saw it. I did something very bad. I am a scumbag. I’ve been scum for 6 years, I’ve hurt a lot of people who love me, I’m really sorry.” At the end of the article, he emphasized that he would not delete the article, but within 24 hours, he immediately deleted the content of the apology.

One month after the incident, Lin Zian posted a triple report on Facebook yesterday (29th), stating, “I immediately asked a lawyer to accompany me to the police station to file a report of intimidation and obstruction of freedom after the incident, and provided more than an hour. The complete audio and video recordings are now being investigated by the police and are awaiting judicial investigation.” I saw that the time of reporting the case was July 28, 2012, and the content of the case read, “The reporter, Lin Zian, was obstructed and threatened by men surnamed Xu and others. Waiting for the case”.

Xu Youwei, the son of “Mr. Bird”, refuted the accusation of intimidation, and angrily blasted Lin Zi’an, the villain, to sue first. (Picture / flip from Xu Youwei IG)

In response to the alleged intimidation, Xu Youwei refuted on IG, saying that the content of Lin Zian’s post was untrue, “Without my knowledge (I don’t know the address is a law firm) invited me to a law firm to sign some bad agreement, because If I don’t sign, Lin Zian will report the case.”

Xu Youwei expressed angrily that it was Lin Zi’an who apologized publicly at the beginning, “You were the ones who wanted to come, no one forced you, you left and left hand in hand, you took medicine and you did what you did, and the post was requested by your girlfriend. It was your girlfriend’s request not to delete the post, it’s really shameful for you to be the first to file a complaint!”

Xu Youwei also revealed that afterward, Lin Zi’an also called the “uncle in the mouth” to shut him down and asked him to delete the part about drugs in the statement. The perpetrator refused to admit it, and the villain sued first… Could it be my fault for not disclosing it at the beginning?” Ask everyone to judge who is the biggest victim.

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