Scam Clinic in Vaud: The Shocking Case of the Fake Doctor

2023-08-17 20:30:59


The fake doctor said he could cure cancer, AIDS and autism

Expected Thursday in court, a Briton did not show up. He had opened a structure where treatments of dubious hygiene and effectiveness were administered.

PostedAugust 17, 2023, 10:30 PM

The accused claimed that his medicine could cure many illnesses (photo illustration).


On Thursday, a completely non-standard case was to be tried at the Court of Montbenon. The accused, an English businessman, would have received and treated more than sixty patients, including children, in a clandestine clinic in Bussigny, between the years 2014 and 2015. The septuagenarian claimed to have developed a miracle drug, GcMaf, in his laboratories in the UK. The product could supposedly cure all kinds of diseases, including cancer, AIDS and autism. “Administered in the form of suppositories, nebulizations or injections, the treatment was billed between 3000 and 6000 euros per week, depending on the means of the patients”, indicates the Public Ministry, in its indictment.

The drug, beyond an effectiveness never demonstrated, was manufactured under lamentable hygienic conditions. Thus, the product contained traces of human skin, perspiration and blood. Moreover, it contained blood plasma, produced solely for research purposes, which should never have been administered to human beings. And, to make matters worse, the products were imported into Switzerland illegally, in simple commercial thermoses.

He was against chemotherapy

Assuring his cancer patients that the treatment would strengthen their immune system, the Briton also urged them to give up all chemotherapy. At least two of them died shortly after attending the fake Bussigny clinic. Note, however, that all the customers were English speakers. No Swiss are among the victims.

However, the defendant did not appear before the judge. His trial was therefore adjourned to an undetermined date. “He would have had a stroke, but we have not received any medical certificate from him”, explains the president of the court, Pierre Bruttin. Moreover, he has already been sentenced to 15 months in prison by a London court for the manufacture and sale of an unauthorized drug, and to 4 years in prison by the French authorities for the same reasons.

In defense of the accused, the English authorities point out that he believed “passionately” that his product could help people “suffering from many illnesses”. Legally, it is therefore not a scam by profession. Another mitigating, he suffers from psychiatric disorders. Already as a child, he tended to have obsessions. But, although he affirms the contrary, it is also and above all out of greed that he acted. His businesses generated an annual turnover of £18 million. This is how he was able to afford, in particular, an Aston Martin, a Rolls-Royce, a boat as well as three planes.

#Vaud #fake #doctor #accused #selling #fake #drugs

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