Sazonov told who will save Ukraine and emphasized: "No partners will save us" – Dialogue.UA – Always two opinions

Political Insights: A Reality Check by Kirill Sazonov

Ah, the world of geopolitics! Like a high-stakes game of chess where half the players show up just to knock over the pieces and claim they’ve won while the other half deal with the mess! Our esteemed political scientist Kirill Sazonov takes centre stage with a bold proclamation: “Only we can help ourselves!” Quite the zinger, isn’t it?

Our Goals vs. Their Goals

According to Sazonov, the West and Ukraine are on two completely different pages of the same grim book. While we’re hoping for the collapse of the Russian Federation (think of it as a very messy breakup), our Western partners are playing the long game, wanting a strong Russia that’s just barely under their thumb to help keep an eye on the looming giant that is China. And let’s be honest—who could blame them? After all, in geopolitical chess, you never know when your pawn might turn into a queen!

But before you rush to grab the popcorn, Sazonov urges caution. He flat-out states that we cannot rely on our so-called “partners” to swoop in like the cavalry. They’ve got their own agenda—keeping Russia relatively intact because you never know when you’ll need a bear on a leash. Cold comfort, indeed!

A Unifying Belief

On a more uplifting note, a fighter from the Ukrainian Armed Forces noted a stunning statistic: 98% of Ukrainians plan to stay in Ukraine this winter. That’s right—despite everything swirling around like a messy cocktail, they believe in their own fortitude and, particularly, their power engineers. Yet, amidst the icy winds of winter, it seems our determination to believe in ourselves must also lead to tangible change—more air defense, a bigger energy sector, and the completion of nuclear power plants. Because nothing says “competitive edge” like cheap electricity! Who knew economics could sound so electrifying?

Partners in Crime… Or Not

So why won’t our partners come to the rescue, you ask? Well, Sazonov explains it in straightforward terms: we are not really in this together. It’s more of a “let’s both make sure Russia doesn’t mess up our plans” situation. Sure, we both don’t want to see Russia dance the victory jig, but beyond that? Different motives all around.

Future Prospects

So where do we find ourselves? Sazonov paints a vivid picture of a potential Russian fracture that has many in the region hopeful, yet at odds with the West’s strategy, which seems to prefer a disciplined Russia—one that can be used as a geopolitical tool against China. Think of it like the fruits of a dystopian garden: we all want to prune the weeds, but the gardeners across the ocean want to keep the most manageable plants.

Wrapping Up

To sum it up, while the world spins chaotically around us, Sazonov reminds us that it’s up to Ukrainians to save themselves. Allies may be present in different forms, but they come with strings attached, and those strings may just tie us down rather than lift us up. And let’s face it—nobody wants to be that person left standing alone at the dance party.

To catch Sazonov’s full revelations, dive into his interview with Alexey Gomon available on YouTube. It promises to be as enlightening as it is entertaining—assuming you can sit through the political ebb and flow without throwing your own popcorn at the screen!

With that, I leave you to ponder your own geopolitical allegiances. Remember, it’s a wild world out there!

Political scientist Kirill Sazonov assured that only we can help ourselves, and we should not have any illusions on this score.

Kirill Sazonov believes that the West and I have different goals, since we want to defeat the Russians and are interested in the collapse of the Russian Federation, but they need a strong Russia, which they will use to contain China. That is why we should not rely on our partners’ help to solve our problems.

Sazonov’s interview with Alexey Gomon can be viewed on the channel YouTube.

A Ukrainian Armed Forces fighter said: “By the way, according to polls, 98% of Ukrainians are going to spend the winter in Ukraine and are not going to leave here, that is, they believe in our country, they believe in our power engineers. This means we need to help power engineers, and this requires more air defense, we need to develop the energy sector further and, first of all, complete the construction of nuclear power plants, cheap electricity will give us a competitive advantage, that is, we need to think about all this, because we must already understand that we have no partners they won’t save you. Ukraine and Ukrainians can save us“.

“Why won’t our partners save us? The way I explain it to myself is that we have different goals. We are not allies, we are not friends. We walk side by side for a period of time that suits everyone. They don’t want Russia to win and we don’t either. This is where we work together. We want Russia to fall apart into ten pieces after a military defeat and not touch anyone else“, explained the political scientist.

After this, Sazonov noted: “We want this, the Poles want this, the Baltic countries, Moldovans, Georgians want this, because it is a threat to them, but in the West there is no such policy. They believe that Russia will break up into twenty states with nuclear weapons and this is bad. They need a solid, strong, but loyal Russia so that they can use it to put pressure on China. That’s it, the goals have diverged, so they won’t let us grind Russia to smithereens“.

As Dialog.UA previously reported, Sazonov listed Putin’s goals to seize Ukraine, where “Zaporozhye is number 3.”

Meanwhile, Sazonov revealed what is actually happening in the Kursk region.

Author: Kirill Sazonov



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