Say Who’s to Blame for the Plague: A Prosecution Report from Satolia

The president of the National Union of Agricultural Cooperatives, Pavlos Satolias, filed a complaint with the Athens District Attorney’s Office, as he had previously announced through “P”, regarding the spread of Sheep and Goat Plague in our country.

What is requested from the Justice is the investigation and assignment of any criminal responsibilities against any culpable person and entity for the following issues:

1. Did the plague disease found in the livestock of the breeders come from animals in our country or after their import from a foreign country and if so, from which country?

2. In cases of importation of live livestock from other countries, control of the imported animals is foreseen and by which agency of the Greek State, or the agency of another country.

4. Were the imported animals subjected to any control and by which competent agency?

At the Athens Court of First Instance the president of the National Union of Agricultural Cooperatives, as announced by “P”

Mr. Satolias stated on the matter: “Following the decision of the ETHEAS Board of Directors, I proceeded today, at filing of the indictment petition before the Criminal Prosecutor of Athensn, according to “All the fault of the person and the entity” so that the competent judicial authorities to take up the matterabout the causes of the occurrence of sheep and goat plague in our country. That is, to be investigated the responsibilities for the way it was causedh country of origin of the disease, if the prescribed proceduresas well as the consequences circuit troubleshooting issues. ETHEAS wants to emphasize with this action, that in such extensive damages for livestock farming, but also for other sectors, (e.g. Hellenization or PDO falsification), the search for responsibilities of the culprits who caused them through the judicial procedures will act as a deterrent. That’s why participants in such actions will be required to pay for the damage they cause and not to escape through administrative procedures with penalties that do not act as a deterrent”.

Since the plague appeared in our country about 20,000 sheep and goats have been slaughtered, mainly for preventive reasons with many livestock units to be left without livestock and to they are financially ruined.

Also, important economic pthe cattle breeders who have been quarantined in their areas have accepted the deadline and they cannot move their sheep and goats to the slaughterhouses of their choice or to proceed with buying and selling.

As described in the complaint, ranchers across the country are in panic and utter despair because of the strong blow they have received.

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#Whos #Blame #Plague #Prosecution #Report #Satolia



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