“Say this on TV” –

Aldo Torchiaro

The toll of the floods is very serious. Like in a bad movie already seen too many times, the rains that have hit Emilia Romagna and part of Marche once again have caused significant damage. And others risk doing the same, after the bad weather, the excesses of the Democratic Party that starting from that region, seized by the anger for the repetition of calamities in a territory too fragile, raises its voice. It must protect its electoral fortress from the imminent elections of October 28. The Democrats therefore attack the government head on trying to disown or at least minimize the political responsibilities in the management of the territory. The outgoing president of the Region, Stefano Bonaccini, takes it out on the majority, speaking of “delays in the disbursement of the promised millions”. Even Elly Schlein, secretary of the Democratic Party and former vice president of Emilia Romagna with responsibility – among other things – for hydrogeological instability, rejects all the accusations. And to think that as a regional administrator she had launched the multi-year plan for the prevention of hydrogeological instability.

Too busy with primaries to think about rivers. Cerno takes down Schlein and Bonaccini

The programmatic document signed by Schlein integrated the “Mandate Program of the Council” and placed the maintenance of the territory under the umbrella of the “Climate Pact” with which the then councilor and deputy of Bonaccini had classified the interventions.
When a red region is flooded, let alone the “model region” par excellence, Emilia-Romagna, the damage must be scaled down. Contextualized, explain the administrators involved, with the complexity of global climate change. And off we go, turn the page. Talk about something else. “Let’s not be scavengers”, the shield they raise from the Nazarene. It is forbidden to ask for an account of badly spent funds or half-finished work. In Emilia-Romagna everything works par excellence. It should not even be questioned. To corroborate the theses of Bonaccini and Schlein, someone has worked on a confidential document that has had the opportunity to consult. A text that – written with the criteria of maximum confidentiality – is circulating on the internal chats of the Democratic Party as a true handbook of arguments to use. A timely manual that should serve as a rapid response tool for elected officials and Democratic militants, a combat kit to deal with any instance, from administrators of small municipalities to digital activists, from parliamentarians to television guests, the possible calling into question of the PD’s responsibilities in the management of the hydrogeological emergency.

Log dam. Avalanche cape: Schlein with a pedigree like that is moralizing?

The document is detailed, it is not just a note. It consists of twelve thousand keystrokes, 39 paragraphs with all the possible arguments to overturn any suspicion that might recall the negligence, delays or possible errors of the red regional administration. A quick-fire official defense in which we read: «Musumeci claims that the State has transferred to our Region, over the years, a good 584 million? We respond that that is the total amount that has been transferred to us in 14 years, equal to 42 million per year». And then, further on, it suggests: «We must say that the flood victims of 2023 received as their only contribution the one assigned expeditiously by Bonaccini, in agreement with the Civil Protection, of 5 thousand euros». Legitimate propaganda tools but eloquent of how the Democratic Party feels threatened. In reality, the first aid allocated by the Council of Ministers is 20 million euros.
Yesterday the executive go-ahead was given for the first disbursements for families: the first supports are on their way, from a minimum of 400 to a maximum of 900 euros per month per family and monitored by a control room headed by the acting president of the Region, Irene Priolo, of the Democratic Party, who will have to present an intervention plan within 30 days.

2024-09-26 00:12:46



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