Savor the Delight: 3 Irresistible Chocolate Creations for International Chocolate Day

2024-09-13 04:00:00

Chocolate is an ancient food This does not have a good reputation. Many people think it makes you fat and unhealthy. Science disagrees and insists Many nutritional benefits. Of course, this depends on the chocolate in question.

Every September 13th, people pay tribute to one of nature’s most delicious gifts: it’s international chocolate dayA festival started in France in 1995 as a tribute to the British writer Roald Dahl, author of this magnificent and delicious tale charlie and the chocolate factory.

But the date also has American support, and all because of the most coincidental of reasons, as Milton S. Hershey, founder and owner of the Hershey Chocolate Company, was also born on the same day.


price. The most famous place in Bariloche How much does a kilogram cost?

Who can resist a piece of chocolate? This delicious dish has conquered taste buds around the world. The story behind this treat, the truth about whether it’s healthy, and three guilt-free recipes.

A journey through time: the history of chocolate

International Chocolate Day. (pixels)International Chocolate Day. (pixels) International Chocolate Day. (pixels)International Chocolate Day. (pixels)

Chocolate originated in Mesoamerica, where the ancient Mayans and Aztecs considered it the food of the gods. They used the cocoa seeds to make a frothy, bitter drink that was used in religious ceremonies and as currency.

Thanks to the Spanish conquistadors, chocolate reached Europe and became popular, evolving into the candy we know today.

In addition to being delicious, chocolate has a variety of health benefits, as long as you eat it in moderation and choose the right chocolate.

Health Benefits of Chocolate

  • Source of antioxidants. Cocoa is rich in flavonoids, compounds that help protect our cells from oxidative damage.
  • Improve mood. Chocolate stimulates the production of endorphins (happiness hormones), which help reduce stress and improve mood.
  • Protect the heart. Some studies suggest that eating chocolate in moderation may help lower blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular disease.

How to tell whether chocolate is good or bad

International Chocolate Day. (pixels)International Chocolate Day. (pixels)

  • color. It should be dark brown, glossy, even, and free of any type of blemishes, bubbles, or indentations.
  • fragrance. The more smell the chocolate gives off, the better it is.
  • touch. It must be strong and the sound must be crisp when split.
  • Melts in your mouth. Dissolution must be easy, continuous and complete.
  • smell. The acidity should outweigh the bitterness and the sweetness should be balanced. In good quality chocolate, flavors of nuts, fruits and spices can be detected.
  • Good quality chocolate consists solely of cocoa butter (the higher the percentage, the better), cocoa powder, soy lecithin (for emulsification) and sugar. If you add milk, you get milk chocolate.

Irresistible Celebration Recipes

Chocolate is the downfall of many people. If you choose right, you can eat it guilt-free. Here are three options for preparing it in a healthier way.

Whole Wheat Flour Chocolate Muffins

raw material

  • 150 g fine whole wheat harina
  • 100 g mascarpone sugar or sweetener suitable for cooking
  • 100 g sunflower oil
  • 70 grams bitter cocoa powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup plant milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • 70% semisweet chocolate chips or chunks


In a bowl, vigorously beat eggs, sugar, vanilla, and oil until smooth.

Mix the dry ingredients and add to the previous mixture.

Add the milk a little at a time, stirring until a liquid and thick or “letter point” type mixture forms. Add chocolate chunks or potato chips (or both).

Oil and flour a silicone muffin mold (or use a disposable muffin mold), and pour a little preparation material into 3/4 of the mold. Cook in medium oven 10 to 15 minutes.

This preparation makes 12 units.

Banana and chocolate ice cream

raw material

  • Three bananas, the riper the better
  • 70% chocolate chunks


Cut the banana into slices and place in the refrigerator until frozen.

Process the frozen bananas in a food processor or blender. Add the chocolate chunks and mix. Return to the refrigerator for a little longer.

Banana Pudding with Oatmeal and Dark Chocolate Chips

raw material

  • 2 large ripe bananas
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons honey
  • Vanilla extract
  • 180 g oatmeal
  • baking powder
  • dark chocolate


In a bowl, mash the banana and mix with the eggs, honey and vanilla extract. Add oats, baking powder and chopped chocolate. Mix until everything is combined.

Pour the mixture into an 18 cm mold or savarin and bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for about 20-30 minutes, until the stick inserted in it dries out.

The key to choosing the best chocolate

Not all chocolate is created equal. To fully enjoy this delicious treat, we recommend choosing chocolate with a high cocoa content, preferably dark chocolate with few additives.

Chocolate sculpture created by luxury hotel

International Chocolate Day. Sheraton edible structures. (gentle)International Chocolate Day. Sheraton edible structures. (gentle)

At the Sheraton Buenos Aires Hotel & Conference Center, chocolate takes on a special meaning when honoring its distinguished guests. His pastry team stands out for their skill and creativity, producing unique sculptures that reflect not only their exceptional talent, but also the essence of Buenos Aires.

Chocolate day. Gene Wilder stars as Willy Wonka in the original adaptation of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. (Web page)

Chocolate Day: why it is celebrated and what it has to do with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Some of the most famous creations include the Obelisk, the Ombú and the holiday’s traditional Easter eggs, all made of chocolate. These impressive pieces of edible art are the focal point of the hotel’s offerings for guests.

The chocolate sculptures are part of the tradition of the Sheraton Buenos Aires Hotel, where VIPs, Marriott Bonvoy members and celebrities receive special attention, making them feel welcome from the first moment.

#International #Chocolate #Day #irresistible #recipes #delicious #ingredient

Here are some “People Also Ask”⁢ (PAA) questions⁢ related to the title⁤ **International Chocolate⁢ Day 2024: ‍Celebrating the Sweet‍ Delight**:

International Chocolate Day 2024: Celebrating⁣ the Sweet Delight

Today, September 13th, 2024, ‍marks a special ⁤day ⁤for chocolate lovers around the ⁣world. International Chocolate Day is a celebration of the sweet, rich, and delicious treat that has ‍conquered taste buds globally. But did you know that there’s more to chocolate than just its mouth-watering flavor?⁤ Let’s dive into the history, ‌health benefits, and ‌secrets to⁣ identifying high-quality chocolate.

A Brief History of Chocolate

Chocolate originated in Mesoamerica, where the ancient Mayans and Aztecs considered it the food of the gods. They ​used cocoa ⁣seeds to ‍make a frothy, bitter drink that was used in religious ceremonies and as currency. Thanks to the Spanish ‌conquistadors, chocolate reached‍ Europe and became popular, evolving into the candy we know today [[3]].

Why Celebrate International Chocolate Day on September 13th?

Interestingly, September 13th is not just any⁢ ordinary day.⁣ It’s also the birthday of Milton S. Hershey, the⁤ founder and owner of the Hershey Chocolate Company. This⁣ coincidence ‍led to the creation of International Chocolate‍ Day, which was started in France in 1995 as a tribute to the British writer ⁣Roald Dahl, ⁤author of the beloved children’s book “Charlie and the Chocolate​ Factory” [[2]].

Health Benefits of Chocolate

Contrary to​ its reputation, chocolate is more than just a sweet ‌indulgence. Science agrees that, in moderation, chocolate has numerous health benefits. ​Here are a few:

Source of antioxidants: Cocoa is rich in flavonoids, ⁣compounds ‌that help protect our cells from⁤ oxidative damage.

Improves​ mood: ‌Chocolate stimulates the production‌ of ‌endorphins (happiness hormones),‌ which help reduce stress and improve mood.

Protects the ⁢heart: Some ⁢studies suggest that eating chocolate in⁤ moderation may help lower blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular disease [[3]].

How to Identify High-Quality Chocolate

But⁢ not all chocolates are created equal. Here are some tips to help you distinguish between good and bad chocolate:

Color: It ⁤should⁢ be dark brown, glossy, even, and free of any type of blemishes, bubbles, or‍ indentations.

Fragrance: ⁤The more smell the chocolate gives off, the better it is.

Touch: It must be strong and the sound must‍ be crisp when split.

Melts​ in your mouth: Dissolution must be easy, continuous, and complete.

Smell: The acidity should outweigh the bitterness, and the‍ sweetness should be balanced. In good ⁣quality chocolate,‍ flavors overlap and ⁣complement each other [[1]].


International ⁤Chocolate Day ⁤is more than just an excuse to indulge in your favorite sweet treat. It’s ​a celebration of the history, culture, and health benefits associated with this⁢ delicious delight. So go ahead, treat⁤ yourself to a piece of high-quality chocolate, and savor the ​rich flavors​ and aromas. Your taste buds (and your health) ⁢will thank⁤ you!




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