“Save your time and money”: Hani Al-Nazer presents an effective eye treatment formula

I wrote – Asmaa Morsi

Fish eye is one of the diseases that affect people, especially in the area of ​​the feet, and it occurs due to lack of good care of the feet, or wearing shoes without socks.

While calluses or (calluses) occur when the skin tries to protect itself from friction or pressure, and it forms on the feet or hands.

Dr. Hani Al-Nazer, a dermatology consultant, presented, on his personal Facebook page, a formula for the treatment of “fish eye and calluses”.

He said, “The fish’s eye in your feet is painful, and the more you walk, the more it bothers you. The callus is also painful.”

And he continued: “You will get rid of them without what you book with me in the clinic and save your time and money for examination, electric cautery, laser and others.”

He added, “There is an effective formula that you can install in the nearest pharmacy, and with a small piece of cotton touch only the affected place of the formula every day at night, until you get rid of the problem.”

And he continued: “This is how you kill two birds with one stone, you save your money, and you buy the need for the house in need.”

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