Save your phone battery: how to do it?

Our smartphones have become essential in everyday life. Only, it is not pleasant to have to walk around with your charger constantly or find yourself without a battery for the rest of the day. Indeed, even if their capacities have greatly evolved, they are not infallible and a failure remains to be considered. This can be due to several reasons, such as excessive consumption or wear and tear over time. However, there are several daily tricks to save precious percentages of autonomy and, even, to optimize their performance. With this guide, you’ll get all the tricks to extend your battery life.

Our smartphones have become an extension of our hands: we use them every day to perform various tasks in our daily lives. It would be unthinkable to do without them. However, due to excessive use or because they age badly, their batteries can be much less efficient. In order to avoid seeing them go out during the day, and find themselves unreachable, there are several tips. We show you which ones.

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Battery failures can happen to anyone and for several reasons: forgetting to charge your phone before going out, applications that consume too much, constant use, wear and tear over time… They are multiple, but can all be avoided. Indeed, several tips are available to save your battery. You still have to know them and use them wisely.

Know the state of your battery

Before setting up tips, it is important to know the state of your battery and follow its evolution. This first essential point will allow you to know if you need to change your consumption habits or if your battery is no longer efficient enough and requires repair.

Whether you have an Android smartphone or an iPhone, manufacturers let you know regarding energy-intensive applications, which can cause great loss of autonomy. Accessing this information is very simple:

For Android smartphones:

  • Go to your phone’s settings;
  • Select the “Battery” section; Then,
  • Click on “Battery usage”.

For iPhone owners:

  • Go to your settings;
  • Click on “Battery”.

Apple has added a particularly useful feature: in this same section, it is possible to know the performance level of its battery. This provides a more global view of its daily abilities.

Limit background apps

Few people know it, but when an application is put in the background (therefore, open but not used), the latter remains active and has a direct impact on the battery level of the smartphone. It can synchronize content, retrieve your geographical position or even download elements. In order to preserve its battery, it is strongly advised to close all applications once you no longer need them.

For Android smartphones:

  • Go to your settings;
  • Head to “Applications”;
  • Click on the “In Progress” tab;
  • Select all the apps you no longer need;
  • Confirm your choice by clicking “Stop”.

For those with an iPhone, handling is simpler: just slide up the applications to close.

In order to avoid this process each time you put your phone down, it is possible to configure your applications to avoid their updates when they are in the background. Regardless of your operating system, the steps are similar: open your settings, select the desired application and activate “Background activity restriction” (for Android) or “Refresh in the background” (for iOS).


In the section to know the state of your battery, Android and Apple have added a function that will help you keep your autonomy throughout the day: “Battery energy saving”. Once enabled, all apps or background activities will be minimized. This saves valuable battery percentages.

Set Sleep

As long as your device is on, it uses battery power, even when you’re not using it. In order to save battery, its standby time will play an important role. It is therefore advisable to reduce its standby time. It’s very simple to do this: once in your smartphone’s settings, go to the “Brightness and display” section (the name may vary depending on your operating system) and determine the duration of inactivity before your phone goes to sleep.

Restrict screen brightness

Each point is essential to save battery. The brightness of the screen is also part of it. The brighter the screen, the more strength it will draw from its autonomy. From the home screen, it is easy to reduce it, while leaving your content readable. Today, some smartphones offer the opportunity to automate the brightness. This means that it is possible to choose time slots where the screen will be brighter than others. Thus, it will automatically adjust according to the time but also the environment in which it is located.

Recharge your mobile

For several years, there have been many theories concerning the charging of our smartphones. So, should we wait until the latter is completely empty or connect it upstream?

The latest generation phones have lithium batteries. And it is this detail that will make a big difference. They tend to wear out faster when the battery level is too low. So don’t wait to be at 1% before charging your phone, if you want to give it a longer life.


Generally speaking, it is best to limit all energy-intensive activities. For this, it is also possible to deactivate Bluetooth or Wifi for example, when you do not need it. Your battery will thank you.

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