Everyone wants to have bright, shiny white teeth, and the biggest problem that many suffer from is the accumulation of tartar layers on the teeth, which in turn leads to yellow spots on both layers of the teeth, which causes embarrassment to many of us, so they resort to methods to solve this problem for removal such as laser or Whitening strips, but many of us do not know the possibility of removing dental tartar in completely inexpensive natural ways that enable them to dispense with industrial methods, just as industrial methods can cause negative effects on human health, while natural recipes are very safe and have positive effects on my health the teeth.
Causes of bad breath
Some reasons can lead to bad breath, and we have come to know these reasons, which many of us neglect, so they lead to bad breath, and through the following points we will explain to you what are the reasons:
- Not paying attention to dental hygiene.
- Some medicines can cause bad breath.
- Dry mouth.
- Oral infections.
The most important components of the recipe for getting rid of lime layers and how to prepare them
Many questions arise regarding what is the natural recipe through which you can remove tartar that forms on the tooth layer, so we will explain it to you through the following points:
- We prepare a cup of water, then prepare a tablespoon of white vinegar solution.
- Then we bring half a spoonful of table salt powder.
- Then get a cup of warm water
- Then mix salt and vinegar together
- Then we put the rinsing for 5 minutes following we put a small amount of the mixture inside the mouth.
- This mixture can be used every week with a small amount of paste.