Save on Energy Costs: Switch to a Fixed Contract with Test-Achats and Benefit from Cashback

2023-08-25 15:38:00

As we wrote at the beginning of the week, the gas market remains under tension and has been on the rise for several days. We went up to €42 per megawatt hour at the start of the week, and even if this price fell back to around €32 on Thursday, the trend remains upwards. It is the turn of Test-Achats to advise its customers to switch to a fixed contract before the end of August. “Energy prices have been on the rise once more for a few days, and are likely to rise further in September. Test-Achats advises all those wishing to take out a fixed contract to do so before the end of August. The fixed contract offered in collaboration with the Méga supplier is currently the cheapest in the 3 Regions, thanks to the cashback of 132.5 euros per type of energy”, communicates the consumer defense association.

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