“Save” 2023: When is the deadline?

The “Save 2023” program through which anyone interested can secure free state money up to the amount of 21,000 euros for the energy upgrade of their home closes on 11/15/2023

Anyone who doesn’t catch the current program should know how a new “Save” cycle will follow, only that according to all indications it will have completely different characteristics.

There is information about the next energy shielding program for homes, according to which, the adoption of a model similar to the heating allowance is being promoted, an element that will diversify the flow of relevant funding.

What’s changing in the next Save cycle

And this is because the amount of aid will not be determined based on expanded geographical zones but will be based on the standards of the heating allowance, where each region has its own coefficients. In other words we are going to a model where the funding rate will be determined by an approximation of… Postal Code and a combination of several data.

As he himself has emphasized the Minister of Energy and Environment Theodoros Skylakakiss “we will gradually change the features of Exekhomano so that we obtain – from the experience we have and from the needs we have – information. Because we have different things in the savings system. The bottom line is that austerity has a completely different economic return in the north than in the south. And I should save them to adjust accordingly.”

The next Exochonamo cycle is, however, expected to be activated during the second half of the new years: Currently, the hourglass is empty for the submission of applications for inclusion in the “Excoionamo 2023” program: The relevant deadline expires on November 15 and the potential beneficiary should know that if the application for inclusion in the Program is deemed “Eligible in Principle”, the issuance and submission to the Program of the Electronic Building Identity is required.

Attention the interested party should show the costs required for the file although the amounts paid e.g. for the fee of the Project Consultant, the cost of the energy certificates and the technical studies, they are almost entirely subsidized and the prices are predetermined by the program guide.

The “secrets” of the “Save 2023” program

Another “secret” that the interested party should know in order to be allowed unhindered access to the funds of “Excoionamo 2023” – and to free government money up to the amount of 21,000 euros – is to know how to raise an energy-intensive property three energy classes in relation to the existing one, as the program requires, it is necessary to make several energy interventions and not selectively one or two.

Thus, for example, when a residence belongs to the low energy class “H”, i.e. the most energy-intensive, based on the energy efficiency ranking scale, the property must necessarily go up three classes, i.e. be ranked at least in “D” after the operations. This indicatively means that the interested party must intervene in the shell of the house (thermal insulation, replacement of old frames with corresponding new ones of high energy efficiency), also intervene in the old heating and cooling systems, in order to install, for example, gas boilers of new technology, or heat pumps with high degree of efficiency, to replace the old air conditioners with new ones, inverter type, etc.

It is of particular importance to replace the electric water heater with a solar one, and if it is technically possible, it would be good to connect the solar water heater to the gas boiler or heat pump used to heat the property.

If we are talking about a house of around 80 m2 in the B climate zone (e.g. in the Athens Basin), the estimated expenditure for all these interventions can reach around 16,000 euros, where for an average annual family income of 25,000 euros the program will subsidize the interested party with 55%, i.e. with 8,800 euros, while the remaining 7,200 euros can be covered with an interest-free loan or with equity. The amortization of the amount to be paid by the interested party after the completion of the energy interventions is estimated to take place in approximately 4 to 5 years.

It is pointed out that all the additional costs of managing the file, such as the fee of the Project Consultant, the cost of the energy certificates and the technical studies required for the completion of the program, are almost entirely subsidized and the prices are predetermined by the program guide.

What is not subsidized and needs special attention are the fines and engineer’s fees for settling urban planning violations of the property to be included that may arise in the context of the issuance of the electronic identity of the property.

In any case, the interested party should know that for each residence that will be selected for inclusion in “Excoionamo 2023”, the goal is the mandatory upgrade by at least three energy categories, in order to ensure primary energy savings of more than 30%.

Selectable budget and interventions

The maximum eligible intervention budget (with VAT) per beneficiary application cannot exceed:

the product of 1.10 euros (from 1 euro in the previous “Save 2021”) on the total estimated annual primary energy savings (kWh) as derived from the 1st Energy Performance Certificate (PEA),

the product of 220 euros (from 200 euros in “Excoionamo 2021”) on the surface of the main premises as it appears from the E9 form,
28,000 euros (from 22,500 euros in “Save 2021”).

The amounts refer to interventions for:

Replacement of frames.

Installing/Upgrading thermal insulation.

Hot water system uses (ZNX) using Renewable Energy Sources (RES).

Other energy saving interventionss (installation of an intelligent management system (smart home), intelligent electrical load management systems,

Smart systems heating/cooling control, intelligent remote control and monitoring systems).

Subsidy rates

The subsidy percentages depending on the income and whether the residence is owned or leased are as follows:

Individual income up to 5,000 euros/family up to 10,000 euros: 75% grant for owner-occupation by the applicant, 65% for Free Concession to another Person/Rent.

Individual income from 5,000 – 10,000 euros/family from 10,000 – 20,000 euros: 70% grant for owner-occupation by the applicant, 60% for Free Concession to another Person/Rent.

Individual income from 10,000 – 20,000 euros/family from 20,000 – 30,000 euros: 55% grant for owner-occupation by the applicant, 45% for Free Concession to another Person/Rent.

Individual income from 20,000 – 30,000 euros/family from 30,000 – 40,000 euros: 45% grant for owner-occupation by the applicant, 40% for Free Concession to another Person/Rent.

Individual income over 30,000 euros/family over 40,000 euros: grant 40% for owner-occupied housing by the applicant, 40% for Free Concession to another Person/Rent.

Source: enikos.gr

#Save #deadline



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