Dammam: The Saudi Supreme Court has given instructions to observe the rising of the month of Ramadan. The court instructed to observe and report following sunset on Tuesday. Meanwhile, the places of worship, including the two Harams, are preparing for the coming of Ramadan.
The Supreme Court has directed that the new moon be observed on the Tuesday that completes the twenty-ninth of Sha’ban. Those who see the birth of the month with naked eyes or through binoculars should inform the nearest court. But those in the field say that there is little chance of seeing moonrise on Tuesday. This is because the moon sets regarding 9 minutes before sunset. Meanwhile, the mosques of the country are preparing to welcome Ramadan. Extensive facilities have been prepared for this purpose in mosques including two harems. This time, the entire gates of the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah will be opened following Covid. There is a huge rush in the country’s market. People are shopping ahead of Ramadan. On the occasion of Ramadan, the ministry has also introduced special discounts on more than 140 products in collaboration with shopping malls in the country.