Saudi schools: Direct classes for students of all classes in Saudi Arabia

Direct classes for all students in Saudi Arabia, including primary and kindergarten classes, will begin on January 23.

Riyadh Saudi Arabia, First Published Jan 9, 2022, 10:20 PM IST

Riyadh: In-person classes are being introduced in Saudi Arabia for all students, including primary and nursery classes. The Saudi Ministry of Education said in a statement on Sunday that students in primary and kindergarten classes will be required to attend school from January 23, 2022. These students return to school after 18 months.

Currently, schools have direct classes only for students over 12 years of age. But it has been announced that direct classes for children under the age of 12 will also start from January 23. The same applies to all government, private, international and foreign schools in the country. Only those who are unable to attend school due to health issues are excluded from the new decision. They can continue their studies online.

The Ministry of Education said that the schools were ready to welcome the children despite taking all the precautionary measures prescribed by the Ministry of Health. Both Ministries commended parents for focusing on their children’s learning in the months leading up to the online study. Officials said they expect all support from parents in getting their children back to school.

Last Updated Jan 9, 2022 10:20 PM IST


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