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Social networking sites were buzzing with talk regarding the accident of a “concrete block” falling on a car on King Abdullah Road in Riyadh, while a witness revealed the repercussions of the accident on the Saudi family.

Twitter users circulated a video clip showing the effects of the accident, which caused damage to the Saudi family’s car, in what was known as the “Riyadh Train” incident.

A Saudi activist accused the company responsible for the Riyadh train of causing the accident, while another activist called to file a lawsuit once morest the responsible company.

Through his account on Twitter, the Saudi writer, Abdul Wahab Al-Qahtani, called on the Riyadh train administration to issue a statement explaining the reasons for “this sudden fall of this piece, which almost caused a major disaster, and how to avoid not repeating it.”

For her part, “Turkiah Al-Asmari”, the first witness to the incident, recounted the details of the incident, saying: “My sister and her family were on their way on Tuesday evening to the east, before the intersection of King Abdullah Road with the Eastern Ring Road, when a concrete block ran over them, causing physical, psychological and material damage.”

In a statement to the newspaper,alreadyShe said, “Moments before the accident, the two-year-old child was in the back seat with the domestic worker. Unconsciously, the mother asked her to give it to him. As soon as the mother embraced her child and held him tightly, a piece of cement fell in a horrific way.”

And she added: “The mass caused panic, fear and confusion, and turned silence into horror, and broke the windshield in the middle, and hit the mother and child, and went backward between the two seats and hit the Filipino worker. Immediately, the father took control of the vehicle and stopped it, avoiding the danger of vehicles, and almost crashed into it, had it not been for God’s kindness.”

And she continued: “Blood began to flow and screaming rose, and the father went down to the help of passers-by, and no one stopped at him, thinking that his car had broken down and he wanted to organize traffic, and in the meantime, my sister called me because our house is near the scene of the accident, and my brother and I came quickly, and this coincided with the arrival of the ambulance We started to rescue the injured.”

And she continued, “The scene was terrifying, the screaming was continuous, and blood was bleeding. My sister suffered separate injuries in her body, and the child suffered from bruises on the head, face and hands, while the maid sustained a strong injury in the knee area, as well as the hands and feet, and the father was not hurt.”

In addition to the physical injuries, Al-Asmari revealed that the accident caused psychological shock and panic for her sister, while the child continued to cry since the accident.

Some Saudi activists circulated Al-Asmari’s testimony, while one of them asks what might happen following the train is run?

The King Abdulaziz Transport Project in Riyadh, “Riyadh Train”, did not issue a comment on the incident.



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