Saudi Arabia Implements Fines for Ignoring Free Right Turn Signals: Stay Alert or Face Penalties

2023-11-27 14:46:54

RIYADH – Remember that from today (Monday) you will be fined if you forget to stop and pay attention to the surroundings before turning the vehicle to the right at the signals on the roads in Saudi Arabia. From Monday, vehicles turning without stopping to go right at free right signals will be monitored. According to the Ministry of Transport, those who drive in violation of the law will be fined.

The ministry had issued a warning a few months ago that the vehicle should stop for at least five seconds at signals with freewrite sign boards and take a right turn. But the cameras in some places would not get such fines. The Ministry of Transport has announced that from 27th of this month onwards, cameras will be strictly monitored at all signals and speeding without stopping the vehicle will be recorded on the cameras and such people will be fined.

English Summary:

Drivers in Saudi Arabia should be careful; Penalties will be imposed for negligence from today

#Careful #drivers #Saudi #fined #today #carelessness #Saudi #Gulf #News #Globalmanorama

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