Saturday September 16, 2023: Audiences for ’50’ inside’, ‘What a time’, Rugby World Cup… Mid-Day and Evening Newspapers, Games, and More

2023-09-17 07:33:00

“50′ inside”, “What a time”, Rugby World Cup… Audiences for the day of Saturday September 16, 2023.

Mid-day newspapers

“The 13 Hours” – Anne-Claire Coudray (TF1): 5,05 millions (42,8%).
“The 13 Hours” – Leila Kaddour (France 2): 2,25 millions (19,1%).
“Ici 12/13” – Regional newspaper (France 3): 1,31 million (13,6%).
“Le 12.45” – Dominique Tenza (M6): 1,19 million (10,5%).

Anne-Claire Coudray attracts twice as many viewers as her main competitor.
Great performance for “Ici 12/13”, which gained 300,000 viewers in one week.

L’access 19h

“Don’t forget the words” (France 2): 2,03 millions (15,1%).
“50′ inside” (TF1) : 1,70 million (13,0%).
“C l’hebdo” (France 5): 585.000 (4,5%).

Nagui regains leadership in access, while “50′ inside” falls back below 2 million. The magazine presented by Isabelle Ithurburu dominates the commercial target with 16.2% market share among women responsible for purchases under 50 (FRDA-50), compared to 8.7% for the France 2 musical game.
“C l’hebdo” is stable over a week.

The evening newspapers

The “20 Hours” – Anne-Claire Coudray (TF1) : 4,91 millions (31,0%).
The “20 Hours” – Laurent Delahousse (France 2): 3,70 millions (23,4%).
“Here 19/20” (France 3): 1,74 million (12,9%).
The “19.45” – Dominique Tenza (M6) : 1,69 million (10,6%).

All editions are down over a week.

L’access 20h

“8:30 p.m. on Saturday” (France 2): 3,92 millions (23,8%).
“Household scenes” (M6): 1,55 million (9,3%).
“Open kitchen” (France 3): 1,46 million (8,7%).
“28 minutes Saturday” (Arte): 515.000 (3,2%).
“C l’hebdo, the rest” (France 5): 373.000 (2,3%).

“Open kitchen” progresses over a week.
“C l’hebdo, la suite” loses 150,000 followers and is beaten by “28 minutes on Saturday” on Arte.

The sport

“Wales – Portugal” Rugby World Cup (M6): 2,35 millions (21,3%).
“Samoa – Chile” Rugby World Cup (M6): 1,61 million (19,2%).

Rugby continues to offer great Saturday followingnoons on M6, which compensates for its poor performance in prime-time. On the commercial target of women responsible for purchases under the age of 50, the “Wales – Portugal” meeting achieves a market share of 20.8%.


“Les 12 coups de midi” (TF1): 2,66 millions (32,4%).
“Everyone wants to take their place” (France 2): 1,39 million (16,2%).
“Questions for a super champion” (France 3): 1,07 million (10,3%).
“Everyone in turn” (France 2): 972.000 (20,5%).
“Everyone has their say” (France 2): 719.000 (7,1%).
“The game of 1000 euros” (France 3): 874.000 (10,2%).
“Numbers and letters” (France 3): 481.000 (6,0%).

Jean-Luc Reichmann reigns supreme in the south.
Bruno Guillon records very good scores with his morning game “Every turn”.
“The 1000 Euro Game” is down over a week in number of viewers, but up in audience share.

Second part of the evening

“What a time!” (France 2) : 1,07 million (21,0%).
“30 years of cult shows” Rebroadcast (TF1): 346.000 (7,2%).

Léa Salamé exceeds one million in the second issue of the season and records its 3rd best audience share since the launch of the show.

To note

“Discovery Reports” (TF1): 2,51 millions (26,2%).
“1:15 p.m. on Saturday” (France 2): 1,91 million (16,9%).
“Saturday to laugh” (France 3): 1,21 million (12,1%).
“At the end of the investigation” (France 2): 1,12 million (12,3%).
“Télématin” (France 2): 703.000 (28,2%).
“C in the air” (France 5): 664.000 (6,7%).

Jean-Luc Lemoine and his gang gain 200,000 followers in one week.

Médiamétrie figures

#Audiences #Saturday #Nagui #ahead #Quelle #époque #million #mark #game #euros #stable #France

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