Sarthe: David Bénard selected for the Ironman Hawaii | The mail

David Bénard, licensed triathlete at the Anille Braye Triathlon, a section of the Anille Braye omnisports intercommunal (Aboi) and Jérôme Fouquet, president of AB football. ©Le Petit Courrier – The Echo of the Loir Valley

David Bénard, licensed triathlete at the Anille Braye Triathlon, has just been selected for the next Ironman triathlon world championship in Hawaii.

Qualified to compete in the Triathlon World Championships in Hawaii, how are you feeling?

I am calmer than when I was in Finland where I obtained my qualification. At the time, I agreed to participate in the Ironman World Championships in Hawaii without knowing what I was getting into, if my employer was going to grant me leave during this period, if my family was going to be able to accompany me.

Is that the case ?

For my employer, which is the town hall of Bessé-sur-Braye, yes. For my partner Sophie who is a teacher and my two daughters Capucine and Pénélope, this will not be possible since the dates of the trip are outside the school holiday period. It was a big blow for me, but we have to deal with it.

How long are you leaving?

With stopovers, I leave for 11 days with an arrival 5 days before to assimilate the jet lag, but especially the climate which is hot and humid at this time. The events are scheduled between Thursday 6 and Saturday 8 October, depending on the category. The performance must be achieved in less than 16 hours, that is to say, 3,800 meters in swimming, 180 kilometers by bike and the 42 kilometer marathon.

What is your budget ?

Almost €9,000. Ironman Hawaii is a privately owned label. Registration is €1,249. The ticket, the suitcase and the extra luggage for my bike cost €2,100. I have private and public partners who follow me. There is also a huge surge of solidarity that has been put in place. I thank the football club for the raffle. I would also like to thank all the people I meet and who congratulate me. I come home and I find checks in my mailbox or at the Aboi for my attention. There is even a kitty that has been posted on the internet.

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