Sarmat missiles released by Russia – an expert shamed the Russians — UNIAN

In April 2022, the first and only successful test launch of “Sarmat” was carried out, the observer said.

The “Sarmat” rocket has not yet passed all the tests, experts say / screenshot

The Russian intercontinental ballistic missile “Sarmat”, of which the Russian Federation is very proud, is still a raw and underdeveloped project, dangerous primarily for its creators, considers military and political commentator Oleksandr Kovalenko.

“Nothing changes in the wild swamp. Just as they threatened the entire civilized world with nuclear weapons, so they continue to threaten. But it’s one thing to threaten what is, and quite another to threaten something that raises a number of unambiguous questions… “Sarmat”, – noted expert.

According to him, in 2022, Dmytro Rogozin, who was the general director of the Roscosmos corporation, threatened the West with the newest Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile. However, as Kovalenko claims, this missile did not actually exist then.

At the same time, the expert stated that on April 20, 2022, the first successful test launch of “Sarmat” was carried out from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome. But this was its only launch, following which a few months later, on August 16, a state contract was signed for the production and delivery of the Sarmat ICBM to the Russian troops.

“In this case, it should be understood that the Sarmat is a very raw and very problematic missile. So, for example, the first launch tests of the Sarmat ICBM, which were planned for 2016, were conducted only in 2018, and resumed following a long pauses, as late as 2020. These delays were caused by a large number of technical and technological problems that arose in the framework of the creation and preparation of the missile for testing,” the analyst claims.

According to him, the Russian Federation did not adhere to the deadlines for providing the Sarmatians with Avangard missile systems. Therefore, they decided to install “Avangard” on the old Soviet UR-100N UTTK intercontinental ballistic missiles, which have not been produced since 1985, by 2027. “According to the Avangard supply plan, 12 units will be delivered to the troops from 2019 to 2027. But the main thing, following all, is not the technical and technological capabilities of the Russians to produce Sarmat missiles, but the fact that according to all requirements they cannot accept them following several years of solving problems and only one successful test run,” Kovalenko claims.

For example, in the USSR, rockets of this type were tested for several years, before their mass production began, dozens of test launches were carried out.

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The expert believes that Russia is in a hurry and wants to hand over the Sarmat to the troops as soon as possible, but so far the Russian Federation can only “be ashamed of this missile”.

“To be ashamed, demonstrating not only one’s production helplessness, but also total recklessness. After all, a missile that has not passed all stages of testing and that will have to carry a nuclear warhead is like a time bomb, dangerous primarily for its creators,” Kovalenko emphasized .

Sarmat missiles – what was reported

We will remind you that the Russian Federation intends to rearm its missile forces with Sarmat complexes.

According to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), on October 7, 2023, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation noted the production of an intercontinental ballistic missile, confirming Putin’s previous statements regarding the successful tests of the missile. This happened as part of the continuation of the information operation on nuclear control.

In confirmation of its words, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation published footage showing the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Serhiy Shoigu visiting the Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant and monitoring the production process of the Sarmat intercontinental missile.

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