Sarmat missile: characteristics of a ballistic missile

Since the beginning of large-scale Russian shelling, the names of weapons that we did not even know regarding in peacetime began to appear in our conversations more and more often. Now we remember well the difference between different types of missiles – ballistic and cruise.

Vikna will tell you in more detail what the Sarmat ballistic missile is and what its characteristics are.

Sarmat rocket: characteristics

So what is a Sarmat missile? The missile is still at the development stage, so it is not yet shelling Ukrainian cities.

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The Sarmat missile or RS-28 Sarmat is a Russian strategic missile system powered by a liquid-propellant intercontinental ballistic missile.

  • The length of the ballistic missile is 35 m,
  • Weight – 208 tons,
  • Casting weight is regarding 10 tons.
  • Flight range in the direction of Western European countries is 9-10 thousand km,
  • The total distance that the rocket can fly is up to 16 thousand km.

According to the State Missile Center named following. Makeev, who designed the complex, Sarmat can deliver nuclear warheads through the North or South Pole to any part of the world.

The missile can be launched from mobile launchers, which minimizes the risk of Sarmat being hit at the launch. According to Russian engineers, the missile can avoid enemy air defense systems thanks to new technological developments.

One Sarmat missile can carry up to 15 warheads, but depends on the power of each. If a missile delivers 10 warheads, then each of them is estimated to have approximately 750 Kt of power.

The use of high-precision hypersonic warheads Yu-71 allows Sarmat to be used in wars for the global strike strategy using kinetic energy that hits strategic targets without the use of a nuclear explosion.

When were the Sarmat missiles tested?

The first test launch of the rocket took place on April 20, 2022 as part of Russian tests.

Former head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin said in the fall of 2022 that rocket production would begin by December 2022.

On February 20, 2023, during US President Joe Biden’s visit to Kyiv, Russia conducted an unsuccessful demonstration test of the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile. They wrote regarding this CNN with reference to American officials who reported this information.

The cost of the Sarmat missile is still unknown; it has not yet entered large-scale production.

Also read regarding the characteristics of the Kinzhal missile.

Photo: screenshot from Putin’s Armageddon Weapon video / Mark Felton Productions

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