Sarah Engels experiences adventures in Hawaii: “Reproachful messages” from the fans drive her mad

Sarah Engels (29) is currently on vacation in the USA. She is currently in Hawaii and is experiencing many adventures. The fans are wondering: Where are the children?

Cologne/Hawaii – In Sarah Engels (29) Summer vacation is currently chasing one adventure following the next. Because the family of four recently went to the USA with kith and kin. But where are the children in all the activities, the fans ask themselves. This question burst Sarah’s collar.

Sarah Engels (29) enjoys riding the zipline in Hawaii. © Montage: Screenshot/Instagram/sarellax3

Sarah’s stay started a few days ago in Venice Beach. From there they went to Hawaii, and the family is now on the Hawaiian island of Maui.

No experience is left out in Hawaii. From a rally, to a visit to the Dino Park or climbing at dizzying heights: the 29-year-old singer wants to experience everything.

In the “Kualoa Ranch” nature reserve, Sarah and her husband Julian Engels (29) went on a zipline adventure last week. The participants are put on a harness and hook themselves into a meter-long steel cable, on which they float over the park.

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In total, Pietro Lombardi’s (30) ex-wife flew through the air at seven stations. Meanwhile, there was no sign of the children far and wide. Logically, following all, son Alessio is just seven years old and daughter Solea a few months old.

But the fans didn’t give up: “Where do you leave Solea in the meantime?”

Sarah Engels travels to dreamlike places with her husband Julian Engels (29) and their two children.

Sarah Engels travels to dreamlike places with her husband Julian Engels (29) and their two children. © Screenshot/Instagram/sarellax3

Sarah was amazed at this question and mightn’t resist an ironic answer: “Of course Solea also went ziplining. Where else? Oh… and then I put her in a taxi on the way to the hotel so that she might can get ready for bed for when mom comes home.”

The solution was much more obvious: she and her husband simply never drove at the same time. The one whose turn it wasn’t took care of the children. But apparently these “reproachful messages” caused a lot more in Sarah than she initially seemed to believe. Because a little later she wrote two long texts in which she wrote her thoughts from the soul.

“We will certainly not leave both children unattended somewhere on the side and have a good time,” she justified. For her, the experiences she has with her children are just as valuable as those she experiences alone or with a partner.

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She has the feeling that many people are limited by their children and that many adventures are not even tackled. “What you see here on Instagram is a fraction of our day. Don’t forget that,” she reminded her followers.

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