Sara Sandeva will start the second series with a rough fight –

Sara Sandeva kicks off the second season of Killing Doom with a real brawl. And it won’t be just any pickle. He immediately gives three heads to a taller opponent for tailgating. However, as she admitted in an interview given to the editors of via TV Prima, she was sometimes represented by a stuntwoman.

She follows the trail of the killer, which leads her to confront the hulk and stop him. Sara Sandeva as Karolína Svetlá does not hesitate to stop the criminal with her own body and tries to wash him away. She runs and jumps on the back of a guy three times her size. “I wasn’t afraid of filming, on the contrary. I enjoy when the scenes are something different and I have the opportunity to try things that I wouldn’t normally do,” said Sandeva.

According to her, there was nothing to fear. “CFor a long time, during the filming of the series, we had stuntman Petr Drozda, whom I have known since I was 14 years old. I trust him completely and I’ve done enough of those scenes thanks to filming. So one does not feel in danger at all, on the contrary. It’s fun and I think the scene is beneficial for the series, it’s a bit action-packed and the second season will have more action scenes overall.” explained.

Memory of Norbert Lichy

To make sure that protection was not enough, a stuntwoman shot some of the scenes for the young actress. The very fall to the ground was filmed for me by an amazing stuntwoman from the team from Peter. It would be difficult for me and I think that as I am fragile, it might not turn out well. We all wanted to finish the series,” said Sandeva, who previously filmed this scene with Norbert Lichy, who unfortunately passed away recently.

“Filming with Lichy was absolutely amazing. I’m grateful that I had the opportunity to shoot with him and get to know him. Killing Two wasn’t the only project we worked on together, so I’m really glad that I could be in front of the camera with him ” the actress remembered her colleague.

The second season of the series Dvojka na zabítí starts on TV Prima on Wednesday, August 28, 2024 at 8:15 p.m.

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