Sanya, Tunchang, Ledong and other cities and counties launched student aid activities to help outstanding students realize their dreams and sail far – Society

Original title: Sanya, Tunchang, Ledong and other cities and counties launched student aid activities to help outstanding students realize their dreams and sail far

(Hainan Daily Omnimedia Reporter Liu Jie, Zeng Yuhui, Zhou Yueguang) Recently, Sanya, Tunchang, Ledong and other cities and counties have held awards and student aid activities to help more students successfully continue their studies and pursue and realize their dreams in life.

Sanya: The “Dream-Fulfilling Action” has been launched for 19 years

On August 26, a Hainan Daily all-media reporter learned from the Sanya Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League that since 2006, Sanya has carried out the “Dream-Fulfilling Action” for 19 consecutive years, raising a total of 57.866 million yuan in funds and distributing scholarships, benefiting tens of thousands of students.

The theme of this year’s Sanya “Dream Action” is “Building Dreams for Charity, Together”. Since its launch in April, a total of 765 students have submitted applications for financial aid, including 294 fresh graduates and 471 current college students. Students who apply for financial aid will receive a one-time scholarship after being reviewed and publicized without objection. In principle, fresh undergraduates will receive 5,000 yuan, fresh junior college students will receive 4,000 yuan, and eligible current college students will receive 3,000 yuan.

Since the launch of the “Dream-Fulfilling Action” this year, the Sanya Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League has vigorously integrated social resources, widely mobilized social forces, provided financial assistance to needy college students, helped them realize their dreams of going to college, and created a good environment for the growth and development of young people in the city.

Tunchang: Helping students realize their university dreams

“This is my heartfelt gift. I just hope that all the children in the village can have a good future!” Recently, upon learning that the Dream Education Foundation in Qingti Village, Wupo Town, Tunchang County is about to hold an award-winning and student aid activity, Wang Guangpei, an old party member in his 80s, took out two crumpled 100-yuan bills and stuffed them into the hands of Wang Qingxin, the village party branch secretary. This scene was very moving.

Wang Qingxin introduced that this year, 30 students with excellent academic performance in Qingti Village received a total of 59,000 yuan in scholarships, all of which came from village party members, members of the village work team, retired cadres and caring enterprises. Guan Lijuan, the first secretary of the village and the leader of the rural revitalization work team, introduced that since the foundation was established in 2021, it has distributed more than 130,000 yuan in scholarships as of this year to help cultivate talents and revitalize the countryside.

At almost the same time, Guoshi Village, Nanlu Town, Tunchang County, also held a donation and support activity, and 39 students with excellent academic performance received a total of 48,600 yuan in scholarships. It is reported that the Guoshi Village Donation and Support Foundation was established in 2018. In the past seven years, it has sponsored 183 students with excellent academic performance and poor families, and issued a total of more than 240,000 yuan in scholarships and grants.

It is reported that in recent days, relevant departments of Tunchang County have also been carrying out various forms of donation and scholarship activities, mobilizing party members, cadres and caring enterprises to take practical actions to help students from rural or low-income groups realize their dream of going to college.

Ledong: Donating to support education has become a trend

Recently, Guancun, Liguo Town, Ledong Li Autonomous County awarded scholarships totaling 333,800 yuan to 49 students.

In order to reward outstanding students, subsidize students from poor families, and encourage Guancun students to study hard, Guancun established a scholarship promotion association in 2021. In the past four years, it has received a total of 2.5153 million yuan in donations and issued 1.4028 million yuan in scholarships. According to the relevant person in charge of the Guancun Scholarship Promotion Association, the 2024 scholarship project includes grants and scholarships, and students with good grades in the middle school entrance examination will also be rewarded.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Propaganda Department of the Ledong County Party Committee, in recent years, under the leadership and support of party and government organizations at all levels, donations to support education have become a trend throughout the county. At the beginning of each new semester, more and more villages hold scholarship and grant distribution activities. (Liu Jie, Zeng Yuhui, Zhou Yueguang)



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