Santiago Peña criticizes the elections in Venezuela at the UN and ratifies support for Israel

Santiago Peña criticizes the elections in Venezuela at the UN and ratifies support for Israel

The president of Paraguay, Santiago Peña, assured before the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) that the presidential elections of July 28 in Venezuela “ignored the will of the people” and ratified his country’s support for the “right legitimate” of Israel to defend itself.

In his second speech before the multilateral plenary since taking office on August 15, 2023, Peña also referred to Taiwan, an island with which Asunción has maintained relations since 1957, and the intention of its foreign minister, Rubén Ramírez, to lead the Organization of American States (OAS), replacing the current Secretary General, Luis Almagro.

Regarding the elections in the Caribbean country, Peña assured that this process “ignored the will of the Venezuelan people and was characterized by serious acts of the regime, which resulted in persecutions of the main opposition actors and arbitrary arrests.”

In that sense, he reiterated his “support for the democratic forces of Venezuela that fight against authoritarianism for the return to a truly democratic system and not a facade.”

Words about the Arab-Israeli conflict

Furthermore, during his speech, he reaffirmed the “recognition of Israel’s legitimate right to defend itself” from what he described as “perfidious attacks” by the Islamist group Hamas on October 7, 2023, which triggered a new stage of the war in the Gaza Strip. .

Peña defended that the relationship with Israel “is based on solid pillars such as faith and hope” and indicated that Paraguay has become one of the States that has remained “firmest” alongside that country.

He also made “an urgent call for the implementation of a solution that alleviates the humanitarian situation, puts an end to the violence and guarantees the immediate release of the hostages,” while proposing to promote “a constructive dialogue that leads to lasting peace.” “.

Likewise, the Paraguayan leader proposed that Taiwan be part of the UN.


“If there is a country that should be part of the United Nations system today and is not yet doing so, it is Taiwan,” said Peña, whose nation is the only one in South America that maintains diplomatic relations with Taipei.

“We believe,” he added, “that their exclusion is an injustice that we cannot ignore, because the values ​​we share and their contribution to the international community deserve the same recognition as that of any other nation present here.”

In this context, he alerted the international community about “the threat” to the territorial integrity of the island and underlined “the importance of peace and stability in the Strait” of Taiwan.

New York / EFE

#Santiago #Peña #criticizes #elections #Venezuela #ratifies #support #Israel
2024-09-30 06:36:22



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