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The police Santiago Olmedo He was sentenced to a reduced sentence of 3 years and 4 months in prison and to pay 10,000 dollars for comprehensive reparation for the relatives of the two antisocials. The Ecuador Prosecutor’s Office prosecuted him for crime of overreach in the performance of an act of service. This sentence provoked a wave of indignation where citizens, authorities and even the President of the Republic, Guillermo Lasso, rejected the decision and indicated that they will seek sufficient resources so that the police officer can confirm his innocence.
After learning of his sentence, the second corporal of the Police sent a message on social networks where he expressed his discomfort at the injustice of the process once morest him. But, despite that, he indicated that he will never stop fulfilling his mission. “I am Santiago Olmedo, national police. Despite the unfair process that I have once morest me, I will never stop being a police officer. Count on me, Ecuadorian brothers,” he says.
I will never stop being a police officer. #SantiagoOlmedo He says that despite the unjust process once morest him, he will never stop fulfilling his mission. Today he was sentenced to 3 years 4 months in prison for shooting down two criminals. pic.twitter.com/iOWpQPsnsd
– LaHistoria (@lahistoriaec) January 19, 2022
Olmedo and his defense confirmed his innocence and announced that will appeal the decision of the Court. “We are convinced that we acted well, we are convinced that a correct procedure was carried out, product of which today We have the minor alive. As National Police we are going to continue serving the citizenry, fulfilling our legal duty, with our constitutional mission. That this does not limit us to act well, ”said the policeman, following hearing the sentence. the uniformed he wears an electronic shackle on one of his feet.
????#ATTENTION | The police #SantiagoOlmedo He was sentenced to 3 years and 4 months in prison for having shot two criminals. The Prosecutor’s Office prosecuted him for the crime of overreaching in the execution of an act of service. After the opinion, Olmedo indicated that he will appeal the sentence. pic.twitter.com/hMdUUncSsk
– Radio Pichincha (@radio_pichincha) January 19, 2022
According to the Organic Comprehensive Criminal Code (COIP), in its article 293, the offense of overreach in the performance of an act of service It is constituted when the servant of the Armed Forces, National Police or prison security “se overreach in the execution of an act of service, without observing the progressive or rational use of force, in the cases that he must use it and that as a consequence of it produces injuries to a person, he will be sanctioned with a custodial sentence.
????#URGENT | The police, #SantiagoOlmedo, was sentenced to 3 years and 4 months in prison, for having killed two criminals in #Riobamba on June 11, 2021. In addition, he must pay 10 thousand dollars for comprehensive reparation for the relatives of the two antisocials. pic.twitter.com/TJWgPtzgsf
– Ivan Velesaca (@cronicacuenca) January 19, 2022