Santiago Aguilera: the prosecutor confirmed that they were asking for a ransom of 7 million pesos | At the moment there is a young man arrested accused of kidnapping

The federal prosecutor of Córdoba Enrique Senestrari confirmed this Monday that the young man found dead in a reservoir in the Cordovan department of San Javier is Santiago Aguilera Allende, the 18-year-old boy who had been missing for five days in Traslasierra and for whom, Senestrari reported, He had asked for a ransom of seven million pesos as part of a kidnapping for ransom.

In addition, the representative of the Public Ministry reported that the autopsy was carried out on Sunday followingnoon and the results are awaited in order to establish whether he was murdered or died in captivity as a result of the kidney problem he presented for having received a recent kidney transplant.

Through the institutional site, Senestrari issued a statement indicating that in the case “an adult man is in custody, charged with the kidnapping for extortion followed by the death of Santiago Aguilera Allende, whose body was found yesterday in the morning regarding 200 meters from the Arroyo Seco, on the Boca del Río road, in the Department of San Javier”.

The only detainee is a 23-year-old young man, who was an employee in the construction materials sales company owned by the Aguilera family in Las Tapias, and who is expected to be investigated in the next few hours.

The prosecution revealed that, at the request of Senestrari, “Federal Court No. 2 ordered the autopsy study of the body, in order to determine the efficient cause of death, probable time of death and injuries that might present (both before and following , nature, severity, number and location)”.

“The measure was carried out yesterday followingnoon at the Villa Dolores Regional Hospital by personnel from the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the Judiciary of the province of Córdoba, with the participation of the offices of Legal Chemistry, Production and Audiovisual Analysis and Legal Photography of the Provincial Judicial Police”, the statement states, although without advancing any of the conclusions of the autopsy.

It was also reported that when the case was set up as a kidnapping for ransom, Senestrari and personnel from the Federal Prosecutor’s Office 1 of Córdoba moved to the area of ​​the incident, in the Chuchiras area, Department of San Javier, where Aguilera Allende lived with his family. .

According to the investigation, the young man had his last contact with the family on August 16 around 11 p.m., when he left his home stating that he would go to a friend’s house, located regarding 500 meters from his home.

The prosecution specified that the next day, the victim’s mother received at 6:49 in the morning “an extortionary message on her cell phone, via SMS and then by Whatsapp, in which she was told that her son had been kidnapped and was demanded the sum of seven million pesos in exchange for his release.”

He was also told that at 9 in the morning there would be a new contact, which did not happen and the captor or captors never communicated once more.

According to the prosecutor’s statement, “the young man had received a kidney transplant and his health, without the corresponding medication, was at risk.”

Staff from the Anti-kidnapping, Homicide, Negotiation and Psychologists departments of the Police of the province of Córdoba participate in the investigation of the case.

It was also reported that until the discovery of the body, rakings had been carried out in different places considered of interest for the investigation, in which personnel from the San Javier Department of the Cordoba Police, Volunteer Firefighters, from the Department of High Risk Units (DUAR) participated. ) and the Technical Team of Action before Catastrophes (ETAC) of the firemen of the province, the Canes Division, the Infantry Guard, the Cavalry Unit and a helicopter of the Air Patrol of the provincial Police, and locals and baqueanos, in Note that it is a rural area.

The National Directorate for Judicial Cooperation and Public Ministries of the Ministry of Security of the Nation also intervened in the investigation, offering a reward of up to three million pesos to people who might provide useful information on the whereregardings of the victim, and The Federal Search System for Missing and Disappeared Persons (SIFEBU) and the Undersecretary of Criminal Investigation were informed of the facts under investigation.

The Federal Prosecutor’s Office No. 1 also has the active collaboration of the two investigating prosecutors of the city of Villa Dolores. “The investigation of the case continues with the aim of clarifying the facts and establishing if there were other participants,” concludes the statement from the prosecution.



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