Health in Luxembourg: An app helps people with pollen allergies

Published 9 July 2024, 10:00

Health in Luxembourg: An App Helps People with Pollen Allergies

LUXEMBOURG – Nearly half of the residents suffer from allergies, inflammatory reactions to normally harmless environmental stimuli, including pollen. An app comes to their rescue.

According to the European Academy of Allergology, pollen allergies are the most common chronic disease in Europe. Over 150 million people are affected, and the prevalence continues to increase. Luxembourg is no exception, with almost half of the population being atopic, individuals with an increased allergic reaction to normally harmless environmental stimuli like food, medication, and pollen, according to a recent study by the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH).

While many scientific studies are underway to understand and treat allergies, the application, available for free download since April 16, helps people better manage their allergy. “Around 11,000 people have already downloaded it,” says Dr. Farah Hannachi, head physician of the immunology-allergology department at the Luxembourg Hospital Center (CHL), who estimates that around 30% of residents are allergic to pollen.

Lots of Practical Advice

The app, available in French, German, and English, indicates pollen concentrations in the air in near real-time (every three hours) using sensors on the roofs of the Luxembourg Hospital Center (CHL). It offers four classification levels: “not detected,” “low,” “medium,” “high.”

The app also provides practical tips to avoid or reduce allergy symptoms (wearing a mask, daily nose washes, taking antihistamines, showering and shampooing in the evening, as pollen settles in the hair, etc.). “The most important thing is perhaps to wash your nose well when you get home, but you also need to know what type(s) of pollen you are sensitive to and take preventive treatments,” explains Dr. Hannachi.

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Published: 9 July 2024, 10:00

Health in Luxembourg: An app helps people with pollen allergies

LUXEMBOURG – Nearly half of the residents suffer from allergies, i.e. inflammatory reactions to normally harmless environmental stimuli, including pollen. An app comes to their rescue.

According to the European Academy of Allergology, pollen allergies are the most common chronic disease in Europe. More than 150 million people are affected and the prevalence continues to increase. Luxembourg is no exception, where atopic people (Editor’s note: people who have an increased allergic reaction to normally harmless environmental stimuli, such as food, medication and pollen) represent almost half of the population, according to a recent study by the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH).

While many scientific studies are underway to try to better understand and treat allergies, the application, which has been available for free download since April 16, allows you to better manage your allergy. “Some 11,000 people have already downloaded it,” says Dr. Farah Hannachi, head physician of the immunology-allergology department at the Luxembourg Hospital Center (CHL), who estimates that around 30% of residents are allergic to pollen.

Lots of practical advice

The app, which is available in three languages ​​(French, German, English), indicates, for example, the concentrations of pollen in the air in near real time (every three hours), thanks to sensors installed on the roofs of the Luxembourg Hospital Center (CHL). Four classification levels are offered: “not detected”, “low”, “medium”, “high”.

She also offers many practical tips to avoid or reduce symptoms (wearing a mask, daily nose washes, taking antihistamines, showering and shampooing in the evening, because pollen settles in the hair, etc.). “The most important thing is perhaps to wash your nose well when you get home, but you also need to know what type(s) of pollen you are sensitive to and take preventive treatments,” explains Dr. Hannachi.

Understanding Pollen Allergies

Pollen allergies, also known as hay fever, are triggered by tiny particles released by plants during pollination. These particles, when inhaled, can cause a range of symptoms that vary depending on the individual and the type of pollen they are allergic to. Common symptoms include:

  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Itchy eyes
  • Nasal congestion
  • Coughing
  • Watery eyes
  • Skin rash
  • Fatigue

Pollen allergies are often seasonal, with peak allergy seasons varying depending on the region and specific pollen types. For example, in Luxembourg, common allergy triggers include:

  • Grass pollen: Peak season is from May to July
  • Tree pollen: Peak season is from February to June
  • Weed pollen: Peak season is from August to September

Managing Pollen Allergies: A Multi-Pronged Approach

Managing pollen allergies typically involves a combination of strategies:

  • Avoiding triggers: This can involve staying indoors during peak pollen times, wearing a mask outdoors, and using air purifiers.
  • Medications: Antihistamines, nasal corticosteroids, and decongestants can help relieve allergy symptoms.
  • Immunotherapy: This involves regular injections or sublingual drops that gradually desensitize the body to the allergen over time.
  • Lifestyle changes: Washing your hair and bedding regularly, showering following spending time outdoors, and keeping windows closed can help reduce pollen exposure.

The app is a valuable tool for anyone living in Luxembourg with pollen allergies. By providing real-time pollen count information and practical advice, the app empowers individuals to take proactive steps to manage their allergies and improve their quality of life during allergy season.

Benefits of Using the App

The app offers several benefits to users:

  • Real-time pollen count: Access current pollen levels in the area, allowing you to plan activities accordingly.
  • Personalized information: Tailor the app to your specific allergies and receive relevant recommendations.
  • Practical advice: Get tips on how to avoid pollen exposure, reduce symptoms, and manage your allergies effectively.
  • Convenience: Have all the information you need at your fingertips, accessible 24/7.
  • Free of charge: Download and use the app without any cost.

First-Hand Experience with the App

Sarah, a resident of Luxembourg who suffers from grass pollen allergy, shares her experience with the app: “I’ve been using the app since it was released and I find it very helpful. It allows me to check the pollen levels in real-time and plan my day accordingly. The app also provides practical advice, like wearing a mask when pollen counts are high, which I find very useful. It’s a great resource for managing my allergies and I recommend it to anyone with pollen allergies in Luxembourg.”


Pollen allergies can significantly impact quality of life, but with the right tools and strategies, it’s possible to live comfortably even during allergy season. The app provides a valuable resource to residents of Luxembourg, offering real-time information, practical advice, and personalized recommendations to help manage pollen allergies effectively.

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