Santaní: Advance the plan for relocation and local development at the Tacuara Crossing

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Tacuara Crossing in Santaní is preparing to revitalize local commerce and improve the lives of its residents. The construction of new huts to relocate vendors and families marks the beginning of a project that harmonizes urban development, road safety and economic opportunities.

The Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) is intensifying the implementation of the Moving Plan, an initiative that is part of the “Transport Connectivity” Paved Network Enabling Project, financed with funds from the World Bank loan (IBRD 8638-PY).

Within the framework of these actions, work is progressing to relocate the vendors currently located in the domain strip. The new booths that are being built will provide comfort and allow the merchants to maintain their economic activities without interruptions.

The project, developed under the contract for the Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Malla Norte, aims to benefit more than 30 families in the area. Its objective is to guarantee significant improvements in road safety, improve the quality of life of these families and increase the protection of road users.

The new facilities will not only provide families with a new, safe place to live, but will also create opportunities to establish commercial activities in an organised environment. This will help to boost the local economy and promote community development in San Estanislao.

The Ramón C. Álvarez company is leading the execution of the Malla Norte contract, with the supervision of the Tosticarelli and Associates consortium. In this process, work is being done on relocating the affected families to safer and more suitable spaces, through the construction of business-type and business-home-type shacks.

Citizen participation

MOPC says that one outstanding aspect of this intervention is its transparent and participatory approach. Since its conception, the institution has worked closely with the local residents and the municipality of San Estanislao, ensuring that all decisions are made in a consensual manner and for the benefit of the community.

Through open meetings, public consultations and participatory workshops, local authorities and residents were actively involved in every stage of the process, from planning to execution of the works. This participation ensures a final result that reflects the interests of all those involved.

#Santaní #Advance #plan #relocation #local #development #Tacuara #Crossing
2024-08-31 11:22:33



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