Santa Cruz: Seven women are rescued in an investigation for human trafficking

2023-05-04 07:20:00

Seven women were rescued during raids carried out in three towns in the province of Santa Cruzordered by a federal court, in the framework of a case in which “it was investigates a defendant and his family environment for the alleged crime of human trafficking“.

The Argentine Federal Police -Río Gallegos delegation- carried out simultaneous raids on the homes of the four suspects, located in the towns of Río Turbio, 28 de noviembre and Río Gallegosfrom the province of Santa Cruz, sources from the Federal Prosecutor’s Office of Río Gallegos informed the agency telam.

The operation requested by the prosecution was authorized by the Federal Court of Rio Gallegos, headed by Judge Marcelo Vázquez, who ordered the search and search of the homes occupied or frequented by the suspects.

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In addition, ordered the seizure of those elements that are of interest to the present investigation.

During the procedures in the different homes, seven women were rescued, one of them with a disability, according to a source in the case.

The federal prosecutor of Río Gallegos, Julio Zárate, told Télam that the raids “were not closed” and were going to be extended, and stressed that the victims “are assisted by the Rescue Program of the Ministry of Justice” of the Nation.

At the same time, confirmed that seven women were rescued and added that during the proceedings ordered by the federal court “elements related to the case” were kidnapped.

Although the investigation began as a result of a complaint made about the sexual services of different women, who were promoted through different virtual platforms, the prosecutor’s office became aware of a second complaint filed through a call to line 145, in which It was exposed that those investigated intervened in the making of publications with the same content and the same purpose, which was presented in the case of the first complaint, the sources consulted specified.

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In this regard, intelligence tasks were duly entrusted to the Human Trafficking Division of the Santa Cruz Province Police, which corroborated that the user of the social network was used as a “window” to offer the sexual services of different womenwho alternated between different locations in the region to carry out the promoted meetings.

Then, another complaint was added, also through line 145, from which it emerged that this same person would dedicate himself to attracting women from the Province of Buenos Aires, to whom he would offer work in the capital city, where he would sexually exploit them, rotating them through different towns in the province (Río Gallegos, Rio Turbio and nearby places), being housed in departments private.

There, the personnel of the Argentine Federal Police, Río Gallegos Delegation, intervened in the investigation, the statement of the Prosecutor’s Office abounded.

Likewise, thanks to the intervention and collaboration of the Prosecutor’s Office for Trafficking and Exploitation of Persons (Protex) and the Committee to Combat Trafficking and Exploitation of Persons, it was verified that a complainant stated that she was a “sex worker” and that she had been transferred to Rio Turbio by the same person, who forced several women into prostitution.

Furthermore, he added that there would be a high turnover of womenthat they had to pay a sum of money -sometimes with sex- to the defendant, for his protection, lodging and transportation.


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