Sanremo: new material donated to the hospital for the child neuropsychiatry service (Photo)

It was held at Sanremo Social Health District at the Palafiori the donation of specific material useful for the rehabilitation service of developmental age, by the Association “Legs on Shoulder”.

The General Director of Asl1 was present at the delivery Maria Elena Galbuserathe Social Health Director Dr. Fabrizio Polverini and the head of NPI Dr. Joseph Pili and his team, in addition to the representatives of the association “Gambe in spalle”.

The Departmental Structure of Child Neuropsychiatry of Sanremo – says the manager Pili – expresses its most sincere gratitude to the Gambe in Spalla association for the generous donation of specific material useful for the rehabilitation service of developmental age”.

I join in thanking Dr. Pili relating to the donation of play material – underlines Dr. Galbusera – physiotherapy equipment and techno-aids useful for the work of therapists and to support all users who access the developmental age service. A great gesture that confirms once again the importance of the work that our professionals, men and women, of the Child Neuropsychiatry service do for users. Thanks to the association “Gambe in spalle” for this gift that highlights the great synergy between the institutions and the third sector”.

Il Child Neuropsychiatry Service deals with neuropsychological development and its neurological or psychic disorders in children during the developmental age in the age group 0-18 years and provides for the management of neurological, neuromotor and psychiatric pathologies of the child, hereditary or acquired, which compromise the maturation processes of the individual and the development of the motor, sensorial, linguistic, intellectual and relational area, making a multi-professional intervention of the rehabilitation sector necessary with the aim of stimulating and strengthening the development of the child in its entirety.

The volunteer association Gambe in spalle ODV (non-profit organization registered on 12/05/2023 and registered with RUNTS on 05/25/2023) was created to help a 6-year-old child suffering from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophyneuromuscular disease «caused by alterations in the gene that encodes Dystrophin, a protein essential for building muscles, characterized by progressive degeneration of skeletal muscles and cardiac muscle.



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