Sanja and Nico were searched for several days in Sarek – found unharmed: “Was fantastic”

Sanja and Nico were searched for several days in Sarek – found unharmed: “Was fantastic”

SVT meets the couple when they are on their way to their car, which was parked at the Sitoälvs bridge during their stay in the mountains.

They were supposed to be back on Sunday but didn’t make themselves known for several days. A search operation with police and mountain rescuers was launched and on Thursday word came that they are alive – and worried relatives were notified.

– It has been the worst 24 hours of my life, said the woman’s sister Ecurirenand tells what it was like to receive the news that they had been found:

– I was standing in a cafe and just booed when I got that call.

The hike was delayed

The hike was delayed, as they had to stop in the tent and wait out the fog. On Thursday they came back, and via walkie talkie contacted a boat driver to get across a lake, and then be able to walk to their car.

Ann-Sophie Länta, who drove the boat, says that the couple then told them that the hike went as planned and that they did not understand that it would lead to a search.

– I understand that they get worried and it is great that there are as many resources as there have been now. If that would have happened, says Nico Sallmén.



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