Sanhui Electric: Shanghai Changyun is negotiating the second equity transfer agreement, but the progress of various work is greatly affected by the epidemic. Substantial progress is expected in the near future.

Every time we pass the AI ​​Express, some investors ask questions on the investor interactive platform: Hello Chairman, the companyshareholderShanghai Changyun acquired a 29.99% stake in the company for 17.18 yuan on January 5 last yearannouncementAfter the delivery of 9.36% of the equity, it was announced on March 16 that the second transfer price was not lower than the first price of 17.18 yuan per share. It has been nearly a year since the equity delivery last year, and the remaining equity delivery is not subject to restrictions on lifting the ban.Please follow upEquity transferIs the agreement still in effect? Last year, the company established Shanghai Sanhui Lianjing Health Technology Development Co., Ltd. This year, the company appointed Mr. Tang Xiangyang as the company’s deputy general manager, highlighting the company’s confidence in transforming into the health industry. I wish the company a successful transformation!

  Sanhui Electric(002857.SZ) said on the investor interaction platform on April 2 that the relevant transaction is in progress, and the two parties are negotiating the second transfer agreement, but because Shanghai Changyun’s registered place, office, and main staff are all located in Shanghai , the recent epidemic in Shanghai has greatly affected the progress of various work. Both parties are working hard to overcome difficulties and actively promote. It is expected that there will be substantial progress in the near future. At that time, the company will disclose information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations in a timely manner. Please continue to pay attention. The company’s follow-up announcement; the big health industry is an important direction for the company’s diversified transformation. The company is preparing talents for the transformation, inspecting projects, and actively promoting it, hoping to generate benefits as soon as possible, effectively improve the profitability of listed companies, and bring more benefits to all shareholders of the company. Good return on investment! Please continue to pay attention.

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(Article source: Daily Economic News)

Article source: Daily Economic News

Responsible editor: 43

Original title: Sanhui Electric: Shanghai Changyun is negotiating the second equity transfer agreement, but the progress of various work is greatly affected by the epidemic, and substantial progress is expected in the near future

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