Sangiuliano Gears Up with Detailed Dossier: “We’ll Lay Out the Facts, It’s Up to Prosecutors to Define the Crimes

Augusto Parboni

September 11, 2024

The legal battle is just beginning between former minister Gennaro Sangiuliano and influencer Maria Rosaria Boccia. Both are evaluating defensive and “attack” strategies, both claim to have “papers” and “computer documents” that can prove their respective “good conduct”. A long list of documents that the manager and the former director of Tg2 Rai are depositing in the hands of investigators, who are being transmitted between the Rome prosecutor’s office and the Court of Ministers. The defense of the former head of the Ministry of Culture, after announcing a complaint hypothesizing a series of crimes, including attempted extortion, against Maria Rosaria Boccia, has decided to collect a sort of dossier on the entire affair that led to Sangiuliano’s resignation, thus leaving the investigation activity in the hands of the Roman prosecutor’s office that will then flow into the hands of the judges of the Court of Ministers.

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The latter, once they receive the documentation from the Palace of Justice of the Capital, could also listen to the manager Boccia. Not only that. The investigators of Rome, coordinated by the chief prosecutor Francesco Lo Voi, could suggest to the Court of Ministers to investigate the use of the blue cars, the trips to Liguria and Puglia, investigations related to the crime of embezzlement contested to Gennaro Sangiuliano. But it does not end here.

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The same magistrates of Piazzale Clodio, in the documentation that will be examined by the Court of Ministers, could ask him to carry out a series of investigations also on what the former director of Tg2 Rai may have revealed to the manager Boccia. Investigations that would fall within the hypothesis of the crime of embezzlement and revelation and dissemination of official secrets. In parallel, however, Sangiuliano’s defense is moving forward, having prepared a voluminous file that the Rome prosecutor’s office will have to examine in the next few hours. The documents would have reconstructed the entire history of the affair that then led to the resignation of the former minister, including the conversations between the two. “I have viewed the chats of the former minister and I am calm, I have no fear of what this lady may say”, said Sangiuliano’s lawyer, criminal lawyer Silverio Sica.

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#Sangiuliano #dossier #ready #list #facts #Crimes #word #prosecutors #Tempo
2024-09-13 01:46:45

– What are the main ⁤allegations against Gennaro Sangiuliano in the legal battle with Maria Rosaria Boccia?

Scandal Unfolds: Former Minister⁢ Gennaro Sangiuliano and Influencer Maria‍ Rosaria Boccia Embroiled in Legal Battle

A‍ high-profile ​legal battle ⁤is​ unfolding between former Italian Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano, and influencer Maria Rosaria Boccia. The two are engaged ‌in a heated exchange,⁤ with both parties‌ claiming⁣ to have evidence that proves their innocence ⁤and the other’s guilt.

The‍ scandal centers ⁢around allegations of ​an inappropriate relationship between Sangiuliano and Boccia, which led to the‍ former minister’s⁤ resignation. Boccia has denied any romantic involvement with Sangiuliano, stating that they were simply friends [[3]]. However,⁢ reports suggest that the two were‍ seen together in‍ a hotel, fueling speculation about the nature of⁣ their relationship [[2]].

Sangiuliano’s defense team⁢ has prepared a comprehensive dossier detailing the entire affair, including conversations between the‍ two parties. According to his lawyer, Silverio Sica, the former minister is “calm” and has “no fear” of Boccia’s claims,‍ suggesting that the evidence will exonerate him⁤ [[1]].

Meanwhile,‌ investigators from the Rome prosecutor’s office, led⁣ by ​chief⁣ prosecutor Francesco Lo Voi, are examining the documentation submitted‍ by both parties. They may​ also listen to Boccia’s testimony and investigate allegations of embezzlement and the misuse of official vehicles [[1]].

The Court of Ministers is expected to⁤ review the evidence and make a decision on

Here are some related PAA questions for the title “The Legal Battle between Gennaro Sangiuliano and Maria Rosaria Boccia: A Web of Accusations and Investigations”:

The Legal Battle between Gennaro Sangiuliano and Maria Rosaria Boccia: A Web of Accusations and Investigations

The recent resignation of former Italian Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano has sparked a heated legal battle between him and influencer Maria Rosaria Boccia, with both parties accusing each other of wrongdoing and gathering evidence to support their claims.

According to reports, Sangiuliano’s resignation was prompted by allegations of misconduct, including using ministry cash to fund Boccia’s hotel stays and granting her access to sensitive information [[3]]. Boccia, on the other hand, has been accused of extorting Sangiuliano and using their relationship for personal gain [[1]].

The investigation into the matter is ongoing, with both parties submitting documents and evidence to support their claims. Sangiuliano’s defense team has reportedly collected a dossier on the entire affair, which will be handed over to the Roman prosecutor’s office and eventually to the Court of Ministers [[1]].

Meanwhile, Boccia has also started to face complaints and accusations, with some reports suggesting that she used Sangiuliano for her own benefit [[2]]. The investigation may also look into allegations of embezzlement against Sangiuliano, including the use of blue cars and trips to Liguria and Puglia [[1]].

As the legal battle unfolds, it remains to be seen what evidence will come to light and how the courts will rule on the matter. One thing is certain, however – the reputations of both Sangiuliano and Boccia are at stake, and the outcome of the investigation will have far-reaching consequences for both individuals.

The Key Players

Gennaro Sangiuliano: Former Italian Minister of Culture, accused of misconduct and embezzlement.

Maria Rosaria Boccia: Influencer and whistleblower, accused of extorting Sangiuliano and using their relationship for personal gain.

Francesco Lo Voi: Chief prosecutor coordinating the investigation into the allegations against Sangiuliano and Boccia.

The Timeline of Events

September 2024: Gennaro Sangiuliano resigns as Minister of Culture amid allegations of misconduct.

September 2024: Maria Rosaria Boccia starts to face complaints and accusations of extortion and using Sangiuliano for personal gain.

September 2024: The investigation into the allegations against Sangiuliano and Boccia begins, with both parties submitting evidence and documents to support their claims.

As the investigation continues, it is essential to stay up-to-date with the latest developments and updates on the case. With the reputations of both Sangiuliano and Boccia on the line, the outcome of the investigation will have significant implications for Italian politics and beyond.



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