Sanctions expected against Nigerian putchists

2023-07-30 07:30:15

West African countries meet on Sunday for a “special summit” after the military coup in Niger, with likely sanctions.

West African countries meet in Abuja on Sunday for a “special summit” to assess the situation in Niger after the military coup, with likely sanctions in the wake of those decided by France and the EU.

The pressure increases every day a little more about the new proclaimed strongman of the country, the putschist general Abdourahamane Tiani, head of the presidential guard of Niger, at the origin of the fall of Mohamed Bazoum, kidnapped for four days. In fact, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS, 15 members) can pronounce sanctions against Nigerone of its members, and following in the footsteps of the EU and France, which have decided to suspend their budget supportand even security on the side of the European institution, not recognizing the “authorities” resulting from the putsch.

The Nigerian president at the head of the West African bloc, Bola Tinubu, had condemned the blow on Wednesday and promised that the organization and the international community “would do everything to defend democracy” and its “rooting” in the sub-region.

The head of American diplomacy Antony Blinken assured Mr. Bazoum of the “unwavering support” of Washington, ensuring that the coup jeopardized the “partnership” between the United States and Niger. He also spoke with Mr Tinubu on Sunday, expressing his “deep concern” while hailing the Nigerian President’s “leadership” and “efforts” to “restore constitutional order in Niger”, spokesman Matthew Miller reported. of the State Department.

#Sanctions #expected #Nigerian #putchists

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