San Raffaele doctor missing, ‘help us find him’

Since Friday morning, no one has heard from Davide Piccinali, 39 years old, a doctor specializing in cardiac surgery at the San Raffaele hospital in Milan. The young professional, originally from Brescia, seems to have vanished into thin air after regularly finishing his work shift on Thursday evening. The worried family raised the alarm when the doctor did not return home for the weekend, as he had expected.

The first to notice his absence were his colleagues at the Milanese hospital, who did not see him arrive at work on Friday morning, despite having greeted him the evening before without anything suggesting any anomalous behavior. His brother Dario confirmed his disappearance, who is currently dealing with relations with the press and has filed a report with the Milan Police. “We are receiving reports from several people who say they have seen him, but at the moment there is no concrete news,” explained the brother, trying to maintain hope in a moment of great concern.

Davide lived in a rented apartment located in via Citumno in Milan, but when the police entered the house accompanied by some medical colleagues and the owner, everything seemed perfectly in order. “There are no signs of struggle or elements that could suggest a violent event or a sudden departure,” said Dario. All his personal effects were present in the house, as if Davide had left the apartment for a short period of time.

On Thursday evening, Piccinali had finished his shift at the hospital as usual. No colleague noticed anything unusual: “He was the usual Davide, calm, always focused on work”, they confirmed. The family also did not notice any change in the doctor’s behavior, described as reserved but serene. “He’s not a person who confronts himself a lot, but he always seemed calm to us,” added Dario.

Only a few days before his disappearance, Piccinali had been to a wedding in Ancona and, on his way back, he had stopped in Brescia to return the car to his mother. He had confirmed that he would also return to the city for the following weekend, as he had written in a message sent to his mother. However, that Friday, there was no further news of Davide.

Since the family raised the alarm, the news began to circulate rapidly both on social networks and through local and national media. Several reports have arrived which have fueled hopes of a possible voluntary removal, even if the reasons are not yet understood. Among the testimonies collected, that of a bus driver who, in the Cascina Gobba area of ​​Milan, claimed to have seen a man alone on board the vehicle, with a blank look, who would correspond to Davide’s description. Another report came from a tavern in Treviglio, where someone thought they recognized him.

“The fact that there are people who would have met him gives us hope, but at the moment we really don’t know what happened or where he might be. It’s as if he disappeared into thin air,” said his brother Dario. The family excludes that Davide had sentimental or personal problems that could have pushed him to move away. “He wasn’t in a relationship and his only concern was work. We knew that cardiac surgery required a lot of commitment from him, but he never gave us the impression of being overloaded with stress or particular anxieties.”

In these difficult hours, there are numerous messages of affection and concern that are arriving at the Piccinali family, even from patients who met Davide in hospital. “It’s nice, even in this delicate moment, to receive messages of solidarity from people who have had the opportunity to appreciate his professionalism and humanity,” said Dario. But the anguish remains: “We hope that this nightmare ends soon and that Davide can return home safe and sound.”

In the meantime, the police continue their searches, without missing out on any leads. At the moment there are no elements that suggest an extreme gesture, but not even concrete clues that can explain his sudden disappearance. The hope is that new reports can shed light on what happened and allow Davide to be found as soon as possible.

The city of Brescia and the staff of the San Raffaele hospital in Milan are following the developments with apprehension, in the hope that the young doctor can return as soon as possible, putting an end to days of anguish and uncertainty.



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