San José Oncology has technology to prevent prostate problems

Hermosillo, Sonora.- Humberto Hernandezurologist of San Jose Oncologyhe explained in the newscast Bridge Project that the appropriate technology is already available to treat all men aged 50 or older quickly and accurately in Hermosillo regarding the issue of prostate growth.

It is about laser surgery HoLEP what does it mean Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate.

The Holmium laser is superior to those previously known due to its cutting and coagulation capacity, which allows the entire prostate tissue to be extracted intact.

It is the newest technology for performing prostate enlargement surgery, a condition that causes problems when urinating, very thin urine flow, experiencing the urge to go to the bathroom to urinate multiple times a night, pain and bleeding when urinating, which is known as benign prostate growth.

Hernandez mentioned that when a patient comes with these symptoms, an ultrasound is performed to confirm what may be happening with his prostate; the patient is treated with medication, but if there is no improvement with the drug treatment, surgery is performed.

HoLEP laser surgery is considered the best option for treating benign prostate growth because more tissue can be removed than with electrical energy devices, which means more space where the enlarged prostate was located and all discomfort goes away, as well as the fact that only one surgery is required for life.

If you want more information, visit San José Oncology of the San José Medical Group at Juarez Avenue 463, corner with Federal Labor Lawin Hermosillo, or call 66 26 89 32 89.

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