San Diego | Resolution to ban homeless encampments revived (+Details)

The San Diego County Council recently revived a resolution banning homeless encampments.

Vista has become the latest city in San Diego County to implement a ban on homeless camps.

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According to local media, the Vista City Council approved the resolution reinstating the ban, a measure established more than 50 years ago. The resolution was supported by four of the five council members present at the vote, including the mayor, while one abstained.

The Vista City Council voted in favor of a resolution re-enforcing a ban that was put in place more than 50 years ago. Four members, including the mayor, voted in favor, with one council member abstaining.

Ban on homeless encampments halted amid pandemic

There have been no reported camping violations in the city in four years because the camping ban – established in 1968 – was not enforced during the pandemic.

Holly Herring, a homeless advocate, said she is disappointed, “Clearing encampments is cruel and inhumane and not necessary in our current crisis.”

Herring was once homeless. He advises his clients to stay out of the spotlight if they want to stay on the streets.

“Sleep in a way that doesn’t look like you’re sleeping. Don’t make a mess. You’ll draw someone’s attention,” says Herring.

With information from ksdy50, Telemundo

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#San #Diego #Resolution #ban #homeless #encampments #revived #Details
2024-08-17 00:46:20



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