Samuel L. Jackson Responds to Losing to Jonah Hill’s ‘Movie Bullshit King’ Ranking

famous movie star Samuel L. Jackson and Jonah Hill Both are Hollywood’s famous “movie bullshit king” in 2020 Buzz Bingo For special statistics, the latter beat the record with 376 foul language Leonardo Dicaprio(361 times) and Samuel L. Jackson (301 times), topped this ranking, especially Jonah Hill’s 715 swear words in 180 minutes in “Wolf of Wall Street” is quite representative.

And when Samuel L. Jackson was on The Tonight Show earlier, he was asked what he thought about the ranking, first he wondered when the survey was conducted, and then he was surprised by Jonah Hill’s victory, “That was Nonsense, I mean, no, no way, man, please, Jonah Hill? How could it be, I don’t believe it was him, someone must have miscalculated.”

In fact, when the 2020 rankings were just released, Jonah Hill was very grateful to Martin Scorsese and was very honored to beat Samuel L. Jackson after learning about this. Now, after nearly two years, Samuel L. Jackson is the “third runner-up” It was only when he finally learned about the results of his career in foul language, would he ask for more foul language lines when he acted in a disguised form?

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