Samsung launched last Sunday (12) a campaign recorded entirely with the cameras of the Galaxy S23 5G line of smartphones to exemplify all the functionality and advanced video capabilities of the devices. She is the first of a trilogy that intends to explore all the features of the models.
The Brazilian film, developed in partnership with Leo Burnett Tailor Made, comes in an attempt to prove the power and versatility of the Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G cameras, which combine advanced image stabilization and professional-grade lenses that reach 200 MP.
The novelty is that, unlike large professional equipment, due to the size of a smartphone, the filming was carried out in smaller spaces. It was also possible to create high quality visuals and images through its ultra-wide camera.
During the video, emphasis is placed on the 8K video upscaled at 30 frames per secondo and a wider angle. It is noticeable the high quality of colors, contrast and resolution. Nightography is also featured in the commercial, demonstrating the technology’s wide range of lighting conditions that uses advanced algorithms to combine multiple photos into one vibrant, detailed image.
The national production also highlights the resources for games, since the devices are powered by Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, battery to play for hours and high graphics performance. Those interested in testing the new line’s video features can check out the Galaxy Experience stand at the Eldorado mall, in São Paulo, which will be available until February 28th.
(updated Feb 13, 2023 at 21:26)