Samsung Electronics executives bought ‘60,000 electronics’… Purchased 50,000 treasury stocks this year

Samsung Electronics DX Division Vice President Han Jong-hee

picture explanationSamsung Electronics DX Division Vice President Han Jong-hee

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Samsung[005930] Executives bought a large number of Samsung Electronics stocks, which have fallen sharply since the beginning of the year.

According to the Electronic Disclosure System of the Financial Supervisory Service on the 24th, a total of 21 Samsung Electronics executives have purchased Samsung Electronics’ common or preferred stocks this year.

They bought a total of 54,353 shares, including 52,353 common shares and 2,000 preferred shares. In terms of the amount, it is equivalent to 3,8687 million won.

The executive who bought the most treasury stock was Vice Chairman Han Jong-hee. As of the settlement date, on the 15th of last month, he purchased 10,000 shares of Samsung Electronics common stock at 69,900 won per share for a total of 699 million won.

As a result, Vice Chairman Han’s shares in Samsung Electronics increased from 5,000 shares to 15,000 shares.

On the same day, President Roh Tae-moon also bought 8,000 common shares of Samsung Electronics at 69,800 won per share. In addition, President Park Hak-gyu bought 1,000 shares at 69,800 won per share and 5,000 shares at 69,900 won per share.

The treasury stocks that President Roh and President Park bought were 558.4 million won and 4199.3 million won, respectively.

President Kim Soo-mok purchased a total of 8,000 shares in five installments from March 23 to April 18 at a minimum of 68,100 won and a maximum of 7,400 won per share. This amounts to a total of 555 million won.

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Samsung Electronics' MX Division President Roh Tae-moon

picture explanationSamsung Electronics’ MX Division President Roh Tae-moon

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Since the beginning of the year, the unit price for executives to acquire treasury stock has risen from a minimum of 67,700 won per share (independent director Kim Han-jo, 1,480 shares on April 13th) to a maximum of 78,700 won (executive director Kwon Young-jae, 209 shares on January 4). reach

It is also noteworthy that Samsung Electronics’ stock price began to fall below 70,000 won in March, and that executives’ buying has increased. Of the 21 people who bought treasury shares this year, 13, or more than half, bought them in March or April.

Due to concerns over economic slowdown and uncertainties in the semiconductor industry, the share price of Samsung Electronics fell 14.43% this year from 78,300 won at the end of last year to 67,000 won on the 22nd.

In particular, even in the first quarter ‘earnings surprise’ (surprising results), the stock price fell to the 66,000 won level in the middle of this month following the announcement of the results, writing a new 52-week low every day.

Share repurchases by executives who know the company’s business situation play a role in defending the stock price and conveying their commitment to responsible management to the market.

In particular, when executives buy back their treasury stock one following another during a stock price decline, it is also taken as a signal that the stock price is ‘bottomed’.

While the outlook for Samsung Electronics’ stock price and the semiconductor industry is mixed, there are opinions that it is worth looking forward to a rebound given that it has fully digested the bad news and its earnings are good.

Kim Un-ho, a researcher at IBK Investment & Securities, said, “The recent decline in Samsung Electronics’ stock price fully reflects concerns regarding the DRAM market.

He added, “As earnings continue to improve following bottoming out in the first quarter, we expect the operating profit to reach 60 trillion won this year.”

Seungwoo Lee Eugene Investment & Securities[001200] The head of the research center also said, “If Samsung Electronics’ earnings are better than expected, there is a high probability that the stock price will rise a month later.” “There seems to be more room for a rebound than a further decline,” he said.


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