Samsung and Oppo are planning to collaborate on dedicated chips to counteract the iPhone A series chips. Previously, Oppo used its first self-developed photo chip, the Mariana X in Find X5. This chip uses DSA’s new Gold Architecture concept and advanced TSMC 6nm process. The Mariana X can perform 18 trillion AI calculations per second, surpassing the 15.8Tops of computing power of the Apple A15 chip. It is the highest mobile NPU chip in the world today.
As previously reported, Samsung’s head of smartphones, Roh Tae-moon, said that Samsung will develop a unique chip for Galaxy series models. According to the speculation, the reason for the development of the new chip is due to the poor performance of the Exynos 2200 chip. This main processor has problems with GPS and poor cooling performance.
Samsung and OPPO They cooperate because they want to compete directly with Apple. In addition, Xiaomi, Honor and other manufacturers are also working on the chips. Thus, we can say that the Android market is fighting a good fight.
Samsung’s Next Generation Exynos Processor – Focused on Performance and Energy Efficiency
Exynos is a processor brand from Samsung Electronics that uses the ARM architecture. Since the inception of this chip brand in February 2011, most of its chips are now on Samsung smartphones. The performance of the previous Exynos series was relatively good, however, in recent years, the performance of the Exynos series chips has not been satisfactory. The gap between Samsung, MediaTek and Qualcomm is widening.
According to reports from South Korea, Samsung is planning to develop a new generation of chipsets. TM Roh, Samsung’s president and head of business for MX, has stated that it will be making “one-of-a-kind” SoCs exclusively for Galaxy smartphones.
The chipsets will be different from other products on the market, and will focus on improving performance and energy efficiency. The plan hit the audience during a comprehensive meeting at Samsung.
In explaining how the company is resolving a Game Optimization Service (GOS) dispute, Samsung is revealing a new chip. GOS is a pre-installed app on Samsung phones that prevents the phone from overheating by limiting the phone’s performance. After criticism from GeekBench and the public, the company later updated and unlocked the restricted software.
In addition, the company is said to be pairing its upcoming Galaxy S22 FE and next-generation Galaxy S23 with a MediaTek chip. At the moment, it did not say whether its new SoC was jointly built with MediaTek.