Samosir’s Economy Thrives Thanks to Samosir Music International

Samosir’s Economy Thrives Thanks to Samosir Music International
Samosir’s economy is booming with the presence of Samosir Music International: (MI/Apul Iskandar)

THE Samosir Regency Government (Pemkab) continues to strive to improve the community’s economy to be more vibrant. One of them is by holding Samosir Music International.

“On behalf of the government and the community, we are proud to once again hold Samosir Music International, which is an event included in the Kharisma Event Nusantara,” said Samosir Regent Vandiko Gultom at the Tuktuk Siadong Open Stage, Saturday (10/8) evening.

On that occasion, Vandiko appreciated the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy which continues to be committed to supporting tourism in Samosir Regency. “Thank you to the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy which continues to support Samosir Regency by holding quite interesting SMI, so that Batak culture is increasingly famous in the world,” he said.

The seventh edition of the SMI event this year was also enlivened by ethnic music performances from abroad such as Austria, the Netherlands, India, Malaysia, and China.

In addition, it also features artists such as Eric Zen & Friends, Komunal Primitif Percussion, Sangeat Kala Sangam (India), Mafidz (Malaysia), Subterranean Street Society (Netherlands), Herman Delago and Band (Austria), Vicky Sianipar and Band, Ogar Nababan, Ruth Sihotang, and Tigor Sihombing X-Factor.

With event which is midwifed by Event Organizer Henri Manik, it is hoped that Samosir tourism will become more vibrant and the community’s economy will increase.

“Let’s follow and watch carefully, and hopefully we can continue this event next year,” said Vandiko.

Finished event This time, Samosir Regency is also trusted to hold various national and international events. This year alone, Samosir Regency will host the XXI PON beach volleyball branch and host the 2024 Aquabike World Championship. (N-2)

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