SAM agreed with nine trade unions on a new salary calculation formula

It is provided for in the branch’s updated collective agreement signed on Monday.

“The salary calculation formula is being changed, which allows for a 10 percent increase in the fixed part of the salary,” Tomas Bagdon, adviser to the Minister of Health, told BNS.

It was determined that next year, the base amount of the minimum monthly salary (MMA) established by the Government in 2023 will be used to calculate the wages of medical workers. So far applied to last year’s MMA.

According to A. Dulkis, the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund will increase by approximately 13 percent next year.

“This is more than last year, we will already reach almost 3.5 billion. euros. This means that an additional 400 million people will reach the health care system. euros. This year, we are allocating an additional 180 million from the reserve and other increased revenues. euros so that we can have this result from January 1,” the Minister of Health told reporters after signing the contract.

According to him, it is planned that salaries for doctors will increase by 259 euros on average next year, for residents – by 189 euros, and for nurses – by 122 euros.

A. Dulkys said that as of November 1, the State Sickness Fund will change the payment rates, in order to accumulate the relevant resources in November-December, and from January 1, the heads of the institutions could implement the agreement signed on Monday.

On the other hand, he emphasized that the salary of doctors depends on the services provided and the organization of specific work in institutions.

“Not the ministry and not the trade unions pay wages, we create an environment where these goals can be realized. Therefore, it is now necessary for medical institutions to operate efficiently, to fulfill all signed contracts with the State Sickness Fund, to implement services, to provide many of those services, then it will be possible to ensure the appropriate payment of wages,” the minister asserted.

According to the Minister of Health, in the three years from 2020, the salaries of doctors increased by more than 1 thousand on average. EUR after taxes, for residents – about EUR 585, for nurses – about EUR 380.

Additional rest day

Under the new contract, unionized workers will also be entitled to one day a year for health checks.

Regina Jarošienė, head of the National Cancer Institute’s employees trade union, said that it took the longest to convince the ministry that the medical community needs rest, because their work is very stressful, especially now that the reform is underway.

“We negotiated one extra day off,” she said.

Jolita Pukelienė, the chairwoman of the trade union of the public health office of the Kaunas city municipality, hoped that more attention would be paid to public health specialists during the next negotiations.

“The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic proved the need for public health professionals, but the pandemic passed, and the problems of public health professionals were forgotten. We are waiting for a new pandemic again, as it is known, viruses mutate, and what will happen then?” she said.

According to J. Pukelienė, specialists leave their jobs due to low salaries and heavy workloads, and there is a lack of funds to establish new positions. According to her, the average salary is just 800 euros after taxes.

“We cannot talk about salary growth. We hope to be heard, and that public health professionals will also receive due attention in the new negotiations. There are not many of us, but we are very important, especially in the current situation”, said J. Pukelienė.

According to her, the salary calculation changes for public health specialists provided for in the updated collective agreement are not valid.

“It does not affect us, because we are not doctors, public health specialists are removed from the list of doctors,” said the head of the trade union.

The Minister of Health, for his part, said that next year, 2 million will be allocated to the public health system. euros more compared to this year.

According to J. Pukelienė, if the draft law on the salary of budgetary institutions is adopted, the salary of public health specialists will not only not increase, but for some it may even decrease a little.

Last Wednesday, the government approved the project, which will change the payment procedure for employees of budgetary institutions from the beginning of next year. According to it, the differentiation of official salary coefficients according to groups of budgetary institutions, professional or managerial work experience would be abandoned.

The coefficients of the official salary would be recalculated taking into account the base amount of the official salary established by law – 1785.4 euros.

Heads of institutions would be left with a range of official salary coefficients, for other employees only the minimum coefficient limits according to job groups, provided that the employees’ coefficients cannot exceed the maximum coefficient of the manager’s official salary.

The signed updated collective agreement of the health care system will enter into force from January next year. It will be valid for a year.

The agreement was signed by the Lithuanian doctors’ union, the Lithuanian nursing specialist’s organization, the Lithuanian health care workers’ trade union, the Lithuanian pharmaceutical workers’ trade union, the Lithuanian ambulance workers’ trade union “Solidarumas”, the medical institutions’ workers’ trade union “Solidarumas”, the Lithuanian trade union federation “Sandrauga” “, representatives of the Lithuanian Federation of Health Protection Trade Unions, Trade Union Organization “Lietuvos medikų Forumas”.

As reported by the ministry, for the first time the general collective agreement of the sector with all its trade unions was signed in November 2021. It includes obligations in employee compensation, social guarantees and other areas.

#SAM #agreed #trade #unions #salary #calculation #formula
2024-09-23 05:58:41



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